Chapter 33

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        I knew this would happen. I gathered Saihara and Kirigiri to come look at the few seconds of footage I had captured on my phone...Before that maniac stopped me.

        .  .  .

        But they were too quick. I couldn't turn around in time; So all we saw was a blur, before the video completely cut off.

        "You're kidding me...I captured nothing!?" I spoke through aggravation. As I was showing them the video, the both of them wore a slightly surprised expression.

        ". . .Hinata...You were faced to faced with that dangerous murderer?" Saihara asked. Kirigiri looked up at me, possibly waiting for me to answer the question. 

         "Well...Yeah, of course I did. How else are we supposed to catch this killer-"

          "And you never called for back up till now?" Kirigiri interrupted. 

          Till now? Why did they both seem so disappointed? Was it because I wasn't able to apprehend that murderer? "Why are you guys so disappointed? I tried my best! I could've gotten myself killed!-"

          "That's the exact reason." She replied calmly. I stayed silent, watching the two look at me with serious eyes.

           "Hinata. We understand you want to catch that killer, we understand that you want to protect your loved ones and bring justice as quickly as possible...But you also need to remember how dangerous that can be without the proper procedures." Saihara explained. Kirigiri crossed her arms, closing her eyes. 

           She sighs disappointingly. 

           "What you did was extremely dangerous. Yes, there was good chance by then the killer would have escaped, but it's better to be safe than sorry. What you should have done was call for backup as soon as you witnessed the incident, and waited for our arrival." She said, my eyebrows furrowed, as I defended a chunk of my decision.

            "What was I supposed to do? The lady I was with ran inside! I couldn't just leave her there...Even though. . .Even though I was too late. . ." I retaliated. 

           I broke our stare, looking the other direction. ..I do understand where they're coming from...But, all these years

           "Dammit..." I uttered. I can't believe this is real. That monster killed three people...Two women and a small child, what human would even want to attempt to do something so haynes?

            Was this killer even human at all...?

            What a stupid question, of course they are; It's just...So hard to believe humans are even capable of doing such things.

            . . . .

            Humans really are one of the most evil living things to have ever existed. 

            "Sorry...I...I know...I know I can't save everyone...At least, not on my own." 

            "We are a team...Let's let it stay that way. We don't want to lose you Hinata. We must keep that promise we all made, and find this killer together!" Saihara smiled, holding out a hand to shake mine. This was something we both usually did to signify our partnership. I chuckle a bit, firmly shaking his hand.

            Saihara's eyes widened, trying to desperately hide the pained expression from my grip. Nagito always told me that my hand shakes were fairly..Bold? I never understood what he meant by that, till I shook hands with a couple of other people, who would seem to agree; Getting a good understanding.

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