Chapter 34

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         ⚠️  Explicit Sexual Content ⚠️

       "...Ahhgh~ Hm~          


        Nagito moaned Hajime's name, as he left small marks along his jaw, and down his neck. The funny thing is, Hajime still hasn't said anything since he showed him the ring, until now.

         The sound of the table being pushed back slightly as Nagito was being pressed further echoed throughout the living room; His moans followed after. Hajime gently kneaded between Nagito's legs, causing him to whimper louder. He clung onto Hajime; One hand on his back, as the other tangled and pulled in his hair.

        "A h Mmf-'' Hajime attacked his lips as he grinds his knee gently against Nagito's already growing erection. Due to how desperate the boys were, the table continued to move, scraping the wooden flooring from underneath; Creating a loud screeching noise throughout the living room.

        "H u h~ Haji-ah~ T-The couch. We're scraping t-the..mMmhg~ fffloor~" Hajime removed his lips from underneath Nagito's jaw. The both of them stared at each other with bedroom eyes. The both of them were beginning to sweat, as their breaths were heavy.

      Nagito smiled, having his one leg practically wrapped around Hajime's waist. His stare caused Hajime to finally come to his senses, and blush. Hajime darted his eyes away, completely embarrassed for how he acted.

        "I...I'm sorry Nagito, I didn't mean to seem-" Nagito placed a finger on his lips, hushing him. He caressed the back of Hajime's head, almost hypnotizing him to draw near once more.

         "Let's go to the couch first. Then we can talk."


         Nagito sat him down on the couch as he stayed standing. Towering over Hajime he opened his mouth to speak while bending down, and softly tracing his lips along Hajime's neck.

        "I just didn't expect you t-to..mhhg~ Get me a new one. N-Now I feel...F-Eel~ Even more like shit, for losing that other...One~" Nagito licked the sensitive area that was located just underneath Hajime's jaw line, leaving a long streak connecting from his now exposed collar, up to his ear.

         "Carry on, Hajime-kun. Don't let little old me stop you~" He whispered, as he began unbuttoning Hajime's jacket suit.

         Hajime resumed speaking as he was slowly being undressed. "I...Honestly don't understand as to..H-How, that ring even got lost in the first place...I know I made sure to place it back in the- hMm!~" Nagito unbuttoned half of Hajime's shirt, before placing his hand under. He still had one more piece of clothing on before his bare chest. But the area has always been fairly sensitive, so Nagito didn't need to completely strip him down to make him feel good.

       "ah~ h a...-In the ring case...Before going to bed..B-But..Even so..." Nagito continued to caress over Hajime's nipples, before fully unbuttoning his jacket, with only his under shirt left on. He brought his lips back up to Hajime's ear and whispered.

       "Take off your shirt for me, darling~"

       Hajime stared up at his fianće, who wore an attractive look of lust. Nagito pulled away, and without skipping another beat, Hajime quickly removed his dress white shirt. As soon as the piece of clothing was removed, Nagito couldn't hold himself back as he practically pounced on Hajime, sitting in his lap and crashing their desperate lips together.

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