Chapters 39

315 8 85

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       Placing a hand on the handle, the sliding doors opened smoothly...

       "Wow, what an entrance!" I spoke excitedly, not bothering to lower my voice...Why would I? The two people that would only be against me were a drunkard passed out on the bed, and a love struck moron with mommy issues. 

       I slipped through, closing the door behind me. Walking around the room, I made myself comfy on an office chair; Spinning myself on it a couple of times. This chair probably belonged to that wasted freckle face, who lied across from me.

     Couple more spins later, I leaped back onto my feet, walking around the bedroom..It was huge in all honesty...Huge enough for someone to hide without anyone noticing for a while!

        . . .


        Might as well take advantage of the time. I start snooping around the room, starting with the bathroom. My face twisted in dissatisfaction..

        "All this money..Just for a tacky looking bathroom..."

        This room was almost as big as the bedroom. In the middle lies a giant jacuzzi, with a couple of waterproof wooden looking steps; Leading up to the bath. There was also a standing shower in the far corner.

        Looking up, the ceiling was fairly tall...Maybe twelve feet? A little more than that? In the middle, hung a large chandelier that dangled right above the bubbling bathtub.

         Talk about being extra..

         You would think that putting a chandelier over a tub may be dangerous. "..Oh man..If that were to fall, someone may get seriously injured! Thinking about that is making me worried!..." Once I said that, from a perturbed expression, my mouth grew into a small snickering grin.

         "Pfff- 'Worried'"

         Turning to my left, there was a mirrored cabinet that stared back at me. I tilt my head to the side, as my mirrored reflection did the same. Before I gasp...

          ". . ."

          "No one could have told me that I had a mustard stain on my scarf!?" I said in absolute dismay. I grabbed a clean white folded towel that sat on a shelf over the toilet, and began scrubbing away.

          ".   .   .   ."

          "Haaa...This will have to do." I sigh, wiping my finger over the now faded stain. I stared at the soiled towel..Before shrugging my shoulders and tossing it back on the shelf; Unfolded and disorganized.

          Turning my attention back on the mirrored cabinet doors, I placed a hand on the handle. Curiously lifting an eyebrow as the smirk on my face never deceased. "Hmm...I wonder what weird shit the both of them could be hiding in here. . ." 

           .   .   . 



          All that was in here was your basic first aid kit, moisturizers, and pills..

          Grabbing one of the tiny bottles, I read the label...


             Komaeda, Nagito 

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