Chapter 17

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     *Bzzt* *Bzzt* *Bzzt* 

      My pockets started to buzz, as I shove my hand deep within my pockets, to retrieve my phone. I read the caller ID. "Unknown number?" I say to myself.

       Curiously, I answer the phone...

       "Hello...?" I answered, slowly.

       "Ohhh~ Do I have the right number? I called to make a pizza delivery." The voice asked.

        ".  .  .Huh?" Who was this guy? How could he have mistaken my phone number, with some pizza restaurant. "I believe you have the wrong phone number." I answered.

         "Hmm...I am pretty sure I have the right number here. So, can I order?" The man on the other end said. Was this some sort of joke?

          "Listen kid. I have already told you, that you have the wrong number; This is not some game. You shouldn't be prank calling people you don't even know." I said. I realized now, that I was arguing with a kid...There was really no point in saying anything, cause most likely, he will take my speech with a grain of salt.

           "Oooo~ So serious." The unknown person replied. I was just about to hang up the phone, when the voice on the other end continued. "Hm...I like you, Hinata."

           I froze, holding the phone back up to my ear. "Who is this? How do you know my name?" I asked the mysterious voice. The person only did a tiny snicker.

             "I'm surprised you could forget a handsome person such as myself..." He said with a dramatic gasp. "But...I'll let it slide; You are pretty forgetful, that I know-"

             "You never answered my question; Who the hell is this" I repeated.

              "Why don't come down to the Cafe,, and find out for yourself." He said. What the absolute hell was wrong with this guy? He somehow got my number, tries to prank call me, and now he wants me to meet him?

     "This isn't some game. You can't just call me, and ask me to meet you, when I don't even know you, or have ever seen you."

      "It is true that you don't necessarily know me...But you have seen me." He responded. I tried thinking about all the people I have met recently. . .But as usual, I can't seem to remember.

      "I am not going to meet with someone I don't know, just for the heck of it-"

       "I was there during the murder." He interrupted. I went completely silent. 'If he was there, we may have a better description of this psychopath...But, what if it's all a trick..."

         ".    .    .    ."

          I thought long and hard. I'm surprised that the person on the other end was patiently waiting for my response...I can't give up this opportunity; My goal right now, is to eliminate this assassin, and bring back the hope into this city.

         I sigh.

         ". . .Ok, fine. . .But you better not be bullshitting me, or else." I warned. The person on the other end simply chuckled again.

         "How scary! I'm nearly shaking in my boots!" There was a pause. "Neeheehee~ That was a lie." He finished.


            Afterwards, I eventually hung up, and finally broke the news to Nagito.

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now