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An hour later

"I'm so sick of my clients, I think I'm about to quit, bitch. I can't deal with this no more." Lima went on ranting as we clocked out for the day and both me and Bi laughed at her.

"I'm serious."

"Mm." We went on taunting, considering she talked about quitting this job everyday and never did.

She wasn't going anywhere.


"When y'all hoes don't see me no more, y'all will see." She spat, pointing and we laughed out loud, making her do the same.

"For real. Sick of this shit." She went on as stopped and looked at me, leaning up on the desk.

"So what's up, Shanny?"

"You going out with us or my brother still got you on lock?" She went on taunting and I thought about it for a moment, knowing I was but I just wanted to build up the suspense.

"Yeah, I'll go." I finally spoke, making them get excited.

"What?! You're really coming with us?" Bi asked in shock and I nodded, knowing I needed to get and I'd already made arrangements.

Tonight was going to be a night for me. I wasn't going to worry about work or Cain or any of the other stupid shit that'd happened today.

Tonight was my time.

"Yes, I'm going. I already got your mom to watch her." I told Lima.

"And for last time, I'm single." I made it completely clear to them both and they raised eyebrows at me.

"Hm, okay." Bi encouraged, nodding her head in approval but Lima smacked her lips, obviously still not moved.

"We'll see." Was all she said, making me laugh.


30 minutes later

Pulling up to my house, I planned out my schedule perfectly. I would get ready early, take a shower, do my make up and hair then get dressed. Then I would go to Bianca's so I could drive home with her and stay the night there incase I was too messed up to make it home.

The plan was solid and I honestly did plan to have a good night tonight.

I wouldn't let anything ruin it.

Breaking me away from my thoughts as I parked out in front of my house, I furrowed my eyebrows in shock, seeing the landlord walking down the block with blood gushing from his mouth. I gasped loudly as I cut my engine, looking through the parking lot to see if anyone was out here.

As I did, my eyes landed on Cain's parked car, right out front of my house as well as he leaned up on it, smoking a blunt. When I saw him, I calmed myself down a bit, realizing he was just doing what he said he would.

Staying silent, I minded my business and grabbed my things before I got out of my car then made my way towards my house. I could feel him eyeing me down as I did and his mother's words ran all through my mind.

I knew I needed to have a talk with him sooner or later but I honestly didn't even know where to start.

The drugs, the money, the robbing, the sex, it was all just so much.

Then I didn't want anything to ruin my plans so I would probably just hold off one more day and play things cool so I could have some fun tonight.

Bitch, you're just scared. I thought to myself but I quickly brushed it away, not going to let anymore negative thoughts enter my mind right now.

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