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Next month

"Mommy, are you okay?" I heard Mya ask me in deep concern as I laid at the toilet, throwing up my entire lunch I'd had.

"Yea, baby."

"Mommy's fine." I spoke the best I could, smiling weakly at her.

"Go to your room, okay?" I told her and she nodded before running off to her room.

As soon as she did, I threw up into the toilet again as I scrunched my face up, feeling knots in my stomach.

"Ooo, I can't do this." I practically just wanting some relief for a second as I slowly stood to my feet looking at myself in the mirror.

As I did, I looked over my face and I was drained. I'd been working seven days a week rather than five and much longer hours for an entire month now. I had no days off and I got off at 9pm instead of 6.

I was barely able to even spend time with Mya anymore. Cain was asking for weekends so when I got off early on weekends at 4pm, she wasn't even with me.

She was with him.

Now I was feeling like a horrible mom, all while he was trying his hardest to take her from me and I still needed to focus on making enough money for all the bills and then my father's hospital bill payments.

It was all just so much on me and now I was working myself sick.

I felt sick to my stomach from all of this shit.

Sighing deeply, I wiped the loose tears from my faces before I got myself together then got my hygiene together. Afterwards, I walked to Mya's room and told her to come on so I could hurry up and get her to Ms. Alexander's so I wouldn't be late for work this morning.

"You have everything you want to bring?" I asked her and she nodded as her floppy ponytail, flopped all over her head.

"Yes, mommy." She answered and I nodded at her as we made our way out of the front door.

When we did, to my surprise, an envelope was stuck in the doorway as it fell to the ground. Unbeknownst, I picked it up and brought it with me as I made my to my car.

Getting Mya inside and then myself, I sat in the driver's seat and looked down at the envelope that stated CONFIDENTIAL in big red letters.

"What is this?" I couldn't help but to be curious as I quickly opened it, just to get a quick glance at it.

As soon as I did, my eyes popped out of my head as I looked down at what it said.

Family's Court

You have been served.

You must report to 1234 Courthouse Ave for your hearing with Cairo C. Alexander requesting full custody of Mya D. Alexander....

"No the fuck he did not." I spat.

30 minutes later

Quickly pulling up onto Ms. Alexander block, I saw Cain and all his friends standing outside as expected. I tried my hardest to contain myself so I could get Mya into the house first but everything in me was telling me to run his dumb ass over.

I was tired of the bullshit. I was tired of being a push over and I was tired of letting him walk all over me.

He was playing with my daughter now and I was done playing with him.

It was no reason to be doing all of this over a fucking lie.

"Mommy, can I get out with daddy?" Mya went on begging and I ignored her completely as Ms. Alexander came out of the front door, rushing over to my car as Cain and his friends looked.

"GG!" Mya then screamed out as she kicked her feet happily, waiting for her to get her out.

"Hey, Shanny."

"I'm sorry, I should've been out here waiting for y'all." She spoke as she did and I simply waved it off, getting out right along with them.

"You alright?" She then asked me and I nodded, staying completely quiet as I closed my door, following after them.

"You're staying a little? I thought you had work?" She asked, looking down at her watch then from me to Cain as he looked directly at Mya, trying to ignore me.

"Daddy!" Mya the. screamed out as she pulled away from Ms. Alexander and Cain instantly grabbed her, putting her up into the air.

"What's up, baby?" He smiled wide and I looked at him in disgust as Ms. Alexander furrowed my eyebrows.

"Come in for a second, Shanny." She urged, pulling me with her and I listened, following her in but planning my next move perfectly in my head.

I was not playing with Cain anymore.

Following her into the house, all eyes stayed on me when I did. I rolled my hard at all of his stupid ass friends before the screen snatched back, slamming itself closed.

"Here. Have a seat, baby." She went on saying to me as I sat down onto the couch, feeling completely numb now.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" She then went on asking and I nodded my head with a blank expression.

"Are you sure? You look stressed, honey."

"I thought we were doing good with co-parenting thing?" She asked in confusion and I scoffed, looking at her.

"I thought we were too." Was all I said frustratedly.

"Well, what's happening?" She asked, wanting more information as I sat there, feeling my nerves getting the best of me.

"He's asking for full custody." I blurted out as I tried my hardest not to cry in anger.

"This nigga is asking for full fucking custody." I spoke louder now as a loose tear fell from my eyes but I quickly wiped it away when it did.

"What?" She jerked her head back, standing to her feet.

"Okay." Was all she said, putting her hands up, trying to deescalate everything but it was far too late for that.

Cain had played with me for the very last time.

"Cain, son, come here for a second and Lante please watch Mya while he does." I heard Ms. Alexander say and when she did, she came back in and looked down at me.

"Just calm down, Shanny. And let me grab you some water, alright?" She asked and I nodded slowly, seeing Cain coming into the house with someone else right beside him.

"Man, but naw, like I was saying, I had both them bitches suckin' my dick at the same time."

"I mean, mm, mm, mm." He went doing hand gestures and making faces while I sat there, looking at him in disgust.

He knew I was sitting here and he was playing in my face further but what he didn't know was this was my last straw.

"Man, both them bitches was suckin' for a like a hour, bro."

"Shit, she said her sister had good head just like her but I thought the bitch was lying." He went on and I instantly lost it.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Standing to my feet, I walked up to him as he looked down into my eyes and I reached up, smacking him as hard I could.





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