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What zodiac sign does Cain give y'all? 🌚 and y'all better not say my sign.

Sign reveal for his character in the next chapter.



Slapping him as hard as I could, it seemed as if everything had just stopped when I did. I didn't even give a fuck as I stood there, looking at my hand print now on his face. I was so tired of letting him control everything and I was so tired of letting him walk all over me.

I was done. It was time for me to finally put my foot down with him and I was doing just that.

Pushing all care to the back of my mind, I watched as he balled his fist up as if he was going to hit me while everybody now tried to calm him down.

"Calm down, bro." His friend went on saying.

"Cairo, please." Ms. Alexander then begged to him as she came back into the living room after hearing all of the commotion.

I watched as Cain licked his lips slowly, trying to contain himself but I wanted him to. I wanted him to hit me.

Because I would immediately have him sent to jail right afterwards.

I was completely done.

Not even wanting for him to do anything, anger shot through me as I took off on him, screaming and yelling things that I'd been waiting to say for three whole years now.

"I hate you, Cain!" I threw punches now, landing every one of them as all of his friends came rushing into the house before Ms. Alexander tried pulling us apart.

"Stop!" She yelled to us but I was scratching him, kicking him and hitting him like my life depended on it.

"Get off of me, Cain! Get off!"

"I fucking hate you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he roughly grabbed my waist, trying to make me to stop.

But I wasn't letting up.

I'd been through enough with him and this was my very last straw.

"Why the fuck are you trying to ruin my life?!" I continued to scream, punching him as hard as I could.

"Over a lie?!"

"Over something I didn't even fucking do?!"

"You're so stupid!"

"If you don't want me and you want to fuck other girls then do that. Just leave me the fuck alone!"

"Leave me the fuck out of it!"

"And stop trying to take my daughter away from me!" I screamed, hitting him as hard as I could and I'd completely blacked out. I could feel people pulling us apart but I wasn't in my body at the moment.

I was so focused on just getting at him, I hadn't even realized what was going on around me.

"No! Let me go!"

"Let me go!" I cried hard before swinging my leg back and kicking him again as I kicked him in the balls and he roughly jerked back but his grip on me was still tight.

"Let me go, cuh. I got her." I heard him say to everybody as he pulled me away from them and they looked at us in terror.

"Cairo, don't put your hands on that girl." Ms. Alexander yelled after him but he wasn't listening as he threw me over his shoulder and I continue punching and kicking.

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