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"Shanny, don't even worry about-" Lima started but stopped as hard banging came to the front door, making us all jump.

"What the hell-" Ms. Alexander came back into the living room with food in her hand now as banging came to the door again but even harder this time.

"Mama. Get your son."

"He's banging on your door, calling Shanny all types of bitches and saying he's going to put his hands her." Lima snitched immediately as Ms. Alexander raised her eyebrows at me while I sat there with tears in my eyes.

Banging came to the door again because she put her food down and made her way over to it. As soon as she did, I stood to feet and damn near ran up the steps.

I wasn't about to be sitting here when she opened it.

"Shanell, get down here and stop running from him."

"That's the damn problem." She spat to me as I stood at the bottom of the steps with wet eyes.

"Mama, she's scared of him! Look at her! Look how he's acting." Lima spoke up for me and Bi came to my side, trying her hardest to calm me down as Cain continued to bang on the door.

"I get it but this shit is old and tired now! I'm tired!" She yelled and the bang seemingly stopped as she did.

"There's no more running and lying. It's time for y'all to talk and it's time for you to put your damn foot down, Shanell."

"You're a grown ass woman with a child. The both of you adults with a child!" She continued to snap and I sighed deeply, knowing she was right as I walked back into the living room, wiping my eyes.

"Talk to him and figure out what you're going to do."

"After that, I don't want to hear anymore about this mess.." She trailed off, turning toward the door.

"I'm sick of this, bringing this damn drama to my house."

Standing there, she turned and swung the door opened and as soon as she did, Cain stood there with a big ass gun in his hand.

Everybody gasped as he did and he stood there looking crazy. Bursting into tears again, I wasted no more time as I ran up the staircase and he began snapping loudly as his mom started snapping back at him, trying to defend me while Lima and Bianca both did the same, trying to make him stop.

"Cain, put the gun away!"

"This is no way to treat the mother of your child with your child upstairs asleep. Are you crazy?" Ms. Alexander said to him but he wasn't trying to hear it.

"I just want my fuckin' daughter."

"Tell that bitch to gimmie' my fuckin' daughter." Was all I heard him say as I ran up the stairs completely and grabbed Mya, waking her up.

"Come on, baby. We're leaving, mommy's going to take you home, okay?" I panicked and she looked at me with confused eyes as she held her arms up, letting me pick her up.

When she did, I quickly grabbed her stuff and made my way back downstairs with her in my arms.

"Cairo, calm the hell down in my house and put that damn gun away."

"Your father would be very upset with you talking to the mother of your child like this, in front of your child." I heard Ms. Johnson say again before all eyes landed on me when I came down the stairs and he shook his head with a smirk as he looked into my eyes.

"You know you fucked up." He spoke seriously, looking from me to Mya.

"Put my fuckin' baby down and come here." He waved his gun, telling me to come outside since they weren't going to let him in.

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