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"Mama, I told Delante not to say anything because it's not his business."

"He's so annoying, talking about that's my brother and you're supposed to be our sister, you're supposed to be blood." Lima went on, mocking Lante's words as her, Ms. Alexander and Bianca all went back and forth about the topic.

All while I sat here in this living room with my shoulders hunched and my stomach in knots.

Lima had told her the full story and now everybody knew everything and I just prayed that Ms. Alexander could save me from him.

"Now he's telling him everything and you know Cain is going to act crazy when he hears it. He said it hisself, talking about that's why he doesn't trust bitches."

"Calling all of us bitches." She went on, pointing between us and Ms. Alexander shook her head in exhaustion before looking over to me as I sat there quietly.

"Did you tell him anything about this? This happened last week honey." She went on asking me now and I shook my head, looking down.

"No, she never told him. Like I said, mama, we all said we weren't going to say anything because we were drunk. Plus you know Shanny.." Lima trailed off.

"She already scared that nigga. She had to sneak just to get to the club with us." She put me on blast but it was nothing new. They already knew.

They'd all said it before.

"And none of us did tell him. We stuck to our word but it's just now they're trying to tell him, they've been trying to tell him but Shanny blocked all them from his phone.."

"That's why Lante came here asking for yours and then he snatched mine." Lima went on spilling all the tea and I put my head in my hands, feeling like a complete idiot for even being in this situation.

This was all stupid, I should've just stayed home that night.

"Are you okay, best?" Bi asked me and I sighed deeply, looking down at the time on my phone since I knew by now Cain had already knew what happened or they were finally telling him.

It'd been an hour since he dropped me off here.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, but what else was I supposed to say.

I'm fine and dandy? while the father of my child is finding out that I kissed his cousin.

"So let me get this straight, Shanny." Ms. Alexander spoke up as she pointed to me.

"CJ took advantage of you is what I'm hearing?"

"And Cain knows nothing about it because you didn't say anything and you went a whole week not saying anything and blocked everybody from his phone so they wouldn't say anything?" She asked in complete shock at me and I nodded my head in approval.

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. I didn't want to say anything and yes, he took advantage of me because I was drunk."

"I wasn't paying attention and I was telling him to stop when he was kissing me because I didn't like it at all but he wouldn't." I pleaded to her, just trying to make it sound a bit better.

I honestly wasn't telling the full truth but I just wanted all of this to be over and whatever could get me out of it, I would say. I just wanted to move on from this, I was tired of this weight being on my shoulders.

It'd been too long of a week for me.

"Well I think you need to talk to Cairo and explain it, just how you explained to me-"

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