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Next morning

"Come on, Mya." I said, getting out of the Uber as I thanked the guy before quickly making my way toward the house.

Glancing through the parking lot, I looked to see if Cain's car was still here and I sighed heavily once I saw that it was. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or if I was scared shitless but as long as he didn't know I left, for now I would be okay.

Plus I had Mya with me, he would never do anything crazy in front of her.

"Come here, baby. Let mommy hold you." I told her, lifting her up onto my hip as she laid her head down, falling back to sleep.

I wasted no time, walking up the staircase before I made my way to the front door and used my key to enter.

When I did, I could hear the shower running and I closed the door nervously as I put Mya down onto the couch then sat right beside her. I slick tried to wake her when I did because I knew she would occupy enough time with him and if he did know something, he would never act on it with her here.

Quickly deciding though, I wasted no time going to my room and changing into something more comfortable, making last night's antics a little bit less obvious.

After I was dressed and comfortably, I could no longer hear the shower water running and I quickly got made my way back out of the room and back to the living room where Mya was.

I wanted to keep her close.

Maybe about five minutes went by before the bathroom door opened as I sat there with a nervous look on my face, trying to pretend nothing was wrong.

Please don't let him know anything. I thought to myself.

"Yo, babygirl." I then heard his deep voice call out as I sat there nervous out of my mind before I looked down at Mya who was still knocked out sleep.

Shit. I thought, standing to my feet.

Standing to my feet, I made myself known as I came around the corner and he stood there in the hall with just a towel wrapped around his tattoo covered muscular body and his gun tucked into the towel.

"Com'ere." He nodded his head into my room and I pointed nervously, staying exactly where I was.

"Mya's here, Cairo." I told him, shakily pointing to a sleeping Mya and his eyebrows rose.

"Oh, that's where you was at?" He then asked, stepping a little closer to see her and I nodded, looking up into his eyes with guilt.

"Oh aight." He nodded slowly, looking down into my eyes and I stood there trying not to give anything anyway but it was like he could see right through me.

He was reading me. I could feel it and for some reason, I felt like he knew.

They told him. I thought, glancing down at the gun.

"Whatchu' nervous or sum'?"

"Fuck you actin' all scary for?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down into my eyes before down at what I had on.

"I'm not." I let out a shaken breath, looking down at the ground now and he nodded slowly, kissing his teeth before he made his way back into my room.


"Com'ere though. Let me talk to you bout' sum." Was all he said with his back to me and I looked at Mya again before I sighed deeply then made my into my room as well.

When I did, he was sitting down at the edge of my bed and his gun was now on my dresser as I walked in nervously. He looked at me with stern eyes before he roughly pulled me to him and looked into mine.

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