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The two girls made their way through the forest, jumping over some tree stunts and scan around for any fresh herbs. Misaki remembered the place as she grab onto Shirayuki's hand, leading her to a small clearing of fresh looking flowers. The red haired female smiled brightly, kneeling down and opening her bag. "I could make some good medicine with these..."

"There are also fresh berries not far from here, maybe we-" Misaki was cut off when she felt a pain coming from behind from the back of her neck. Whoever did it smoothly catches her before she hits the ground, alerting the red hair female.

"Hm? What's did you say, Misa--" Shirayuki was about to look behind when she saw a familiar looking scarf beside her head.

"Why, hello there." The person did the same thing to Shirayuki as she hit the ground, unconscious. The person smirked, looking at the two girls.


It was past afternoon as the day started to get dark. Inside of an old dark building, faint lights could be seen. Deep inside the building in a rounded cage, laid Misaki on the dirty floor with only a carpet for her to lay on. She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, alerted to wherever she was.

She remembered only pain from behind her but did not see what, or who cause it. As she tried to stand, she notice both of her wrist were tied together with a thin but hard rope. Her bow was no where to be seen, neither was Shirayuki.

"Milady." A sudden greet surprised her as she gave all her attention towards the entrance to see the same boy she saw watching out on Shirayuki.


"I've notice you have been looking at me back at the ship." The boy opened the cage, walking inside before closing it back, aware that the girl could do something.

Misaki scoffed. "Well, I could not help but noticing that you have been looking at my friend. Isn't that convenient?"

The boy chuckled, walking around her. "I'm Mihaya, and I mean no harm to you and your little friend."

"We'll see about that." Misaki murmured, when suddenly she felt his hand running down to her right cheek from behind.

"Your friend really caught my attention, but that won't stop me thinking how beautiful you are, milady." The boy, Mihaya complemented her.

The girl felt uncomfortable from his touch and words as she tried to fight off the urge to kick him. "...Just what do you have business with us?"

He then stop sliding his hand on her cheek and walk in front of her. "The girl has a rare sight of hair. I was planning to meet her with some nobles I saw back at town." The boy wink at her.

"You could say...I'm a bit of need in gold."

"You're disgusting!" Misaki exclaimed to him, upset that he would thought to sell Shirayuki.

"My, think of it as I presenting her. There are many riches out there might take an interest. Won't you?"

"I would never think such disgraceful thing to do that to a friend!" She tried to break free from the rope around her wrist, about to head out to find Shirayuki to get her out of there.

"Hm, a feisty one." Mihaya kneel down in front of her and lean in to her face. Misaki's eyes widened to how close they were.

One inch left for her to loose something precious.

"Maybe I keep you to myself after I'm done dealing with Red." She felt his hand ran down to her shoulder and slowly to her waist. Bringing her closer. The male rest his head on her other shoulder and smiled. "...You smell nice."

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