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How would Misaki's clothes look like when she is outside of her castle.

Edit: I change it to an even more better clothing for her but keep in mind that Misaki has her scarf.


"Hold up, Zen!"

Misaki called out to her twin as she and her twin's bodyguards, Mitsuhide and Kiki, ran to catch up to Zen.

"Mitsuhide, Kiki, Misaki! I'm going on ahead!" Zen yelled out as he continue running but gasped when he saw his twin running beside him.

"Not if I can run ahead!" Misaki smirked and beginning to run ahead of Zen.

Zen smirked and catching up on Misaki. "Oh, it's so on, sis."

Mitsuhide and Kiki continue to chase them. "Jeez, you two are going from a place like that again?"

Zen and Misaki saw a wall up ahead as they both jumped with smirks on their faces. Zen saw a glimpsed of red and look over to his left side, only for him to bump into Misaki as they both dropped to the ground with a loud thump.

Shirayuki shut her eyes when she saw them suddenly jumped over the wall. When she opened them again, she saw Zen gripping his forearm as Misaki gripped her shoulder. Shirayuki quickly gripped her hood.

Mitsuhide and Kiki finally found them as Mitsuhide quickly asked. "Are you all right, Zen, Misaki? Are you two injured? Did you both hit your head? What's one plus one?!"

"Two." Misaki and Zen replied as Misaki sat up, still gripping her shoulder. Zen look over to Mitsuhide and ask.

"Huh, who're you again?"

"It's me, Mitsuhide!"

Misaki decided to joined in. "Oh, was that your name?"

"Misaki! You, too?!"

Both Zen and Misaki laughed at loud as Kiki just smiled, closing her eyes.

Shirayuki silently crawled behind them to ran away, but unfortunately, Misaki turn to her direction.

"Well." Misaki said as Shirayuki stopped.

Zen turned to Shirayuki. "Who are you, really?" He sat up and picked his sword while helping his twin up. "What are you doing, so deep in the woods?"

"O-Oh, I just followed a road without many people in the middle of running away, and..." Shirayuki replied as she gripped her hood down to prevent any wind to blow it off.

Misaki got suspicious as she grab her bow that was attach to her this whole time and pointed it on her hood. She flies it open, to reveal Shirayuki's red hair.

Misaki, Zen, Mitsuhide and Kiki are all in awe to the color. Zen rested his sword on his shoulder as he walked in front of Shirayuki. "You have strange hair."

Shirayuki smiled uncomfortably. "Yeah, people often tell me that." She suddenly saw the red mark on Zen's arm. "Your right arm... It's hurt!"

Misaki look over and touch it, making Zen pull it away. "Yup, he's hurt."

"Easy for you to say." Zen replied as he touch Misaki's bruised shoulder as she yelped, gripping hers. She pouted as Zen smirked.

Shirayuki turned to her bag. "I'm a herbalist. I have a poultice you can use if you'd like."

"We don't need it." Shirayuki was taken aback from the replied as she turn to them. "Huh?"

Zen pointed his sword to her as he grab Misaki and protectively went in front of her. "It could be poison or something. How can we use it if someone gives it to me all of a sudden? It's not like I'm a dwarf or something. I'm not going to trust someone so easily. In other words, I've no business with you."

"Right..." Shirayuki silently murmured, scared of the sword that was pointing to her.

Zen smiled. "If you understand, then get going." But what they didn't thought would happen, Shirayuki grab Zen's covered sword and harshly slam it to her forearm, bruising it.

Misaki gasped as Zen pull the sword away. "H-Hey! What are you...?"

Shirayuki grab a poultice from her bag and carefully bandaging her bruise and show it to them. "Unfortunately, I don't make it a habit to carry poison around."

Zen was in shocked as he dropped his sword unexpectedly. Mitsuhide laughed as Misaki bump her elbow to Zen's waist. "She got you, Zen."

Zen kneeled down and laughed along. "Sorry about that. My name's Zen." Zen said as he look back at Shirayuki.

Shirayuki still feel a bit on guard as she replied. "I'm Shirayuki."

Misaki kneeled down next to Zen. "Shirayuki? That's a beautiful name. It suits you." She said as she smiled to her, seeing Zen let out his bruise hand.

"Nice to meet you, Shirayuki." Both of them said. "It was Misaki's fault that I missed landed in the first place."

"What? No I didn't!" Misaki exclaimed as she pouted to Zen.


They all went inside the house nearby as Shirayuki treated both Zen and Misaki. Mitsuhide and Kiki were close to them playing chess.

Zen had his hand wrapped with the bandages and Shirayuki is rubbing some medicine on Misaki's shoulder.

"This is an unoccupied house, but we hang out here." Zen said. "And the one losing at chess over there is Mitsuhide, and the one winning easily is Kiki." Zen introduced his guards.

Mitsuhide look down as he literally loss his chess against Kiki, as Kiki only sip her tea.

"And the one you treating now is Misaki, my twin." Zen continued as he change his gaze towards his twin.

Mitsuhide turned his position to look back at Zen. "Zen, how can you say for sure that I'm losing without even looking."

"I can just tell."

Mitsuhide pouted as Kiki replied. "You are losing."

Shirayuki finally wrapped the bandage on Misaki's shoulder. "Okay, that should do it."

Misaki look over to it as she touch the fabric of the bandage. "You're really good at this, Shirayuki."

"I'm used to it." She replied as she re-arrange her stuff. "I told you that I'm an herbalist, right?"

"Oh yeah, you did." Misaki replied as she adjust her shirt back before putting her scarf back.

"Well, why did an herbalist like you run away from home?" Zen asked.

Shirayuki stopped wrapping her own bruised and closed her eyes. "That's not important." She finished wrapping and stood up. "I'm going for a walk." She then made her way outside.

"Nice going there." Misaki replied, elbowing her twin.

"What did I do?"

Misaki sighed. "You clueless boy. Go ahead and walk with her. Who knows what the woods will be. She might got kidnapped or something."

Zen stood up and went to the door to find Shirayuki not far from him.

Misaki smiled as she drank her tea.

"You know you can tag along with them, right?" Kiki asked, heading beside Misaki.

"I think I'll play matchmaking for a while." Misaki smirked as Mitsuhide laughed a bit.

"But still, wanna go spy on them?" Mitsuhide suggest as Kiki and Misaki both smiled.

"Let's go!"


I definitely not that good on royal stuffs but here's chapter 1!!

Thank you again for reading my story! Until next time!!

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