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It has been a few days in the castle. Misaki has returned to her usual schedule, to make it better, her meeting with nobles were less than usual. It might of thanks to her older brother, who has been against the matter since the beginning.

Two days ago, her aid had asked her to be away for a bit, wanting to be out of the castle. Ignoring her curiosity, she agreed. She is currently in her piano lesson when her mind was busy thinking about him.

"Misaki? You been playing the wrong notes for six times. That's the first." Her teacher made her came back to her senses.

"O-Oh!" The princess took back her gloved hands and straighten up her body.

"Anything in your mind there, your highness?" Kuroha asked, leaning on the piano.

The girl looked away before focusing on the piano. "It's nothing! Let's get back to practice." And so, she did.

It may not help that Kuroha was curious to her reaction, which she smirked as she remembered their conversation weeks ago. She decided to keep quiet as she mentored the princess.

After her lesson, she decided to slack off and roam around the hallway which seem to be her daily doings after her short shower to change from her dress. She took a notice outside of a window she had pass. "It was raining? I hadn't notice..."

"No way. The prince?!"

"Yeah! I heard he has a fiancé!"

The princess heard gossips from the guards standing guard nearby. As she passed them, they both shut their mouth up and bowed. Misaki, however smirked. 'I wonder how my dear brother is doing after that party.'

To sum of what she meant, a few days ago, a party was held by Izana the first prince of the kingdom to deepen the partnership of two kingdoms. The prince of the other kingdom, Prince Raj, had made a fake news that had made the whole kingdom in confusion and believed on him. Which was saying the poor red haired girl was the fiancé of Zen, the second prince.

"My lady!" A sudden voice took Misaki's attention as she found herself outside. The voice jumped down in front of the princess and bowed. "I have returned."

"Obi! I-It's just you..." Misaki was surprised towards herself as to why she stuttered. She shook her head as she brushed her white shirt. "ahem! You sure took your time outside the castle."

"It's been awhile going out there, you know?" Obi smirked when he heard the princess stutter as he leaned in to her. "Do you miss me, your highness?"

Misaki rolled her eyes as she push his face out of the way. "I'll leave it to your imagination. Let's go to my brother's." She begin to walk towards the building back as Obi smirked more, following behind.

Instead of being normal like everyone else, the two climb to a room where Zen and his guards were. Obi climbed the tree first before lending a hand to help the girl up.

Until the boy grab onto a tree branch that seems to be wet from the rain as it showered the two.


"What am I to do..." Zen sighed, leaning onto his desk. "This situation doesn't fit well with me." 


The group heard their companion yelled out as Obi jumped on the railing, sitting on it before helping out Misaki to sit by him. Obi brushed off the water from his head that he and Misaki got from the tree nearby. "I have returned."

"Obi! You were permitted no more than two days absence." 

Misaki went inside to dry off from the raindrops falling over to her head on her way up. Kiki helped out dry her hair.

"I mean, it has been awhile since I left the castle." The boy scratch his head as he grinned. "Anyways, what's eating you?"

Misaki saw her brother's cheeks gotten red, turning to her as he met her teasing eyes. "It's about Shirayuki." She answered before Zen could. "If you hadn't notice, people are starting to seriously believe that she is this knucklehead's fiancé. That explains why Zen is worried that Shirayuki getting all the attention from within the castle."

Obi tried not to laugh at it, sensing Kiki's glare. 'S-so... What's the actual problem?"

Misaki dried her hair with the towel Kiki prepared as she continued. "Despite that this situation is interesting for the two, it brings out the attention to other families that had attend a the party few days ago."

"We can't do much to investigate how the other families are taking this, let alone if they might be plotting something." Zen said, crossing his arms. "I suppose we did tell Shirayuki to be on her toes..."

"Not to mention, she has her hands full with her work."

"all right then, I'll be with Shirayuki for the whole week." Misaki's sudden volunteer made Zen looked at her, disbelief. "What? You expect my sudden free time to be left with myself in my room sleeping?" 

The white haired girl gave back the towel to Kiki as she walk over to Obi. "If I'm not able to to be with Shirayuki, I can have Obi to watch over her. Maybe let him act as her retainer."

"...Me? No. No way, Saki. I threatened her, remember? Plus, Aren't I suppose to be your retainer?" Obi refused her, confused to himself why he doesn't like to be far from his job

"It's just until this whole fiasco is over." The girl gave him a smile, which resulting him to have a light blush.

Zen walk over, smirking when he saw Obi's cheeks. "When I let you leave here unsupervised, I did so with the assumption that you might not return."

The sudden reply made both Obi and Misaki looked at him, disbelief. 

"So, forgive me."

"So... all this time, I could've run away?"

"That's the whole point--" Misaki punch her brother's head, creating a throbbing lump. "W-What was that for?!"

The girl didn't say anything as she looked away, huffing with her arms crossed. 'Idiot Zen. What if... he actually left...'

Obi stared at the girl, slowly knowing why she did it.


Guys, I can explain---

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