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The next day, Misaki begin the day by doing Zen's duty. Most of it was to check on the guards and the guards in training, in the afternoon, she was asked to check on the new arrival horses they have received.

Misaki doesn't know on why Zen has these random duties, but doing something different instead of attending sophisticated balls or her piano lessons is something she enjoys. Though, she still needed to wear her noble dress.

Misaki stood in front of a white horse. It seems to be attach to her ever since she approach it. The horse stares at her, bored its eyes on her blue ones.

"Um..." Misaki felt a sweat dropped from her forehead as the white horse not moving. "Is this horse okay?"

"...Oh!" The horse caretaker came over to her from the guards that follows Misaki for a short while before replying. "It looks like Apollo takes a liking to you! He never show interest to anyone, a rider once tried to ride him through a field for a test but Apollo here kept slipping him off!"

The caretaker laughed at the memory as Misaki chuckled along. "My, Apollo sounds playful. But are you sure he'll be okay with us?"

"Well, see for yourself, Your Highness! As you can see, Apollo here seem to like you!"

The caretaker was right. The white horse took a step forward to Misaki before sniffing her. The girl stood still before the horse went beside her, motioning her to climb.

"Oh? But I'm in my dress. I'm afraid I will take you for a ride once I'm off duty, all right?" Misaki said, patting the horse.

It huff but didn't fought back as it only stays beside the princess.

"...Well, it looks like I'm it's master now." Misaki sighed but shrugged it off like it's a normal thing. "Thank you for delivering these horses. I assume you've received the payment?"

"Yes I did. I'm surprised to see you again, Your Highness. Did Prince Zen sent you?" The caretaker asked, not seeing Zen since he's usually came to see him and the horses.

"He has business he needs to attend to on an island. I believe he should be back by evening."

The Caretaker nodded. "I see. Well, send my regards to him. Have a wonderful day, Princess Misaki!" He climb up with his own horse has he ride away with a guard escorting him out.

The girl bid him goodbye before turning towards the guards behind her with the other horses. "Can you take them to their new home? It would take time for them to get use to the new environment."

"Of course, Your Highness." The guards obeyed her as they gently guide the horses away.

As they left, Misaki sighed. "I believe I've finish most of the physical works. What's next on the list..."

"You have paper works on the desk for today, my lady. After that, you have nothing to do!" A sudden voice replied to her thought as she jumped, putting both hands over to her chest.

"Obi! Please refrain from doing that again!"

Obi almost burst out of laughter before saying. "Hearing you saying like that feels so weird..."

Misaki realized she had been staying in character before clearing her throat, her cheeks were a little red. "W-Well, I can't help it! Most of today's work are physical duties. Now that you've mention I've done them, I can stop now."

The boy grinned, putting his hands behind his head. "Wanna visit Missy before you signing those papers?"

"And disturbing her work? I'll probably pass." Misaki shook her head, declining his invitation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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