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Misaki walked over to their guest's door and knocked softly on it, only to be answered by nothing. "Miss Kiharu? It's me, Misaki. Can I come in?"

She waited patiently for a respond, as she soon hears footsteps coming to the door. Hearing it unlock, she met with Kiharu still in her clothes since this morning. Misaki smiled to her. "I'm sorry to interrupt you when you need to rest, but something come up."

Hearing her words had gave Kiharu a little bit of hope. Popo flew to her shoulders as Misaki face him. Seeing Popo up closed had made Misaki realized how beautiful the bird is. "He's beautiful..."

Kiharu was taken aback as how the princess could tell Popo's gender. Since Popo's species were habitant animals at her island, there aren't many other people knew about it. "How did you know his gender?"

Misaki took a last second glance on the bird first before facing to Kiharu. "You're from Yuri Island, right? I've been there once I was little and I bump into one of these beautiful creatures with one of the locals, they also taught me about them. My older brother brought me there when I heard how beautiful your island was."

"R-Really? How come I hadn't see you?"

"I think I was at the other part of the island, if I have to guess." Misaki pet the bird, which leaned into her hand. "Anyways, shall we?"

Kiharu nodded, slowly following the girl with Popo still on her shoulder. It gave Kiharu a bit time to do sightseeing the palace more. It may be night, but she's admiring how beautiful the sky is outside. The girl soon get back to her senses when Misaki stopped in front of her to open the door. The princess stand aside for Kiharu to come inside first.

Zen was waiting for the two at his desk, talking with Mitsuhide beside him. When the door opened, Mitsuhide quickly stood aside along with Obi and Kiki as Zen stood up. "Hello, Miss Kiharu. How's the room Misaki provided for you?"

Kiharu nodded before replying. "The room is comfy, and Popo seem to like it."

Misaki closed the door and eyed the bird, seeing him leaning his head on Kiharu's head on her shoulder. The girl watch it and found it adorable and find it difficult to not come up to them and pet Popo.

"Let's go straight to the point..." Zen leaned on his desk, his hands on the desk as a support from behind. "Miss Kiharu, is it true that you can signal the bird to fly wherever you want with your whistle?"

"Yes, your highness. Everyone on the island who has received training is capable of doing so."

"Can you have the bird fly somewhere far?"

"Yes, I can. We often send them out to boats on the open sea."

Misaki walked towards Zen's side as she listens to her answers. "How do they know where the boat is?"

"Um, with this." Kiharu showed them a green, emerald stone as it was decorated with silver wear. It made a ding noise like a bell sounds like.

"A bell?"

"Each bell made from walnut stone has a distinct sound. These birds can discern the slight differences between them. If you let them hear the bell in advance, they'll land where they hear that sound."

"I see." Zen grinned at her answer, standing up properly. "I want to see the birds could be used as a means of communication for Clarines."

"H-How did you know that, though?"

Misaki smiled towards the confused girl. "A certain someone come up to us, and ask if the ability to control the birds could be made useful somehow." The girl crossed her arms on her chest, remembering how Shirayuki gave them a quick brief of how the birds at Yuri Island does. "My twin brother concluded that if they can be used for communication, they could benefit the country. This is absolutely worth further investigation."

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