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Time passes and both Jungkook and Jisoo grew fond of each other. They are always talking, playing around, making jokes, and once they tried to cook but only ended up getting kicked out of the kitchen by Chanyeol. There was a huge change in Jungkook, he became livelier and more smiley and his Hyungs are really thankful to Jisoo for this. Jungkook accepted all of Jisoo's problems and promised her that he will always be there for his 'Noona'. Jungkook knows that he has feelings for Jisoo but he keeps pushing it away thinking it is just a simple crush, while Jisoo being innocent really did not understand the hints he gave her.


The bangtan boys were hanging out in Namjoon's house, like usually drinking beer and eating chips. "Hyung! Look at Jungkook!" Jimin said out randomly "huh?" I asked him, this is what he does when he is drunk, just talk out shit randomly. "No look~," he said pinching my cheeks "Aish Hyung control yourself!" I shouted pulling myself away from him. "Jimin is right," Jin Hyung told as he came out of the kitchen with some more snacks in his hands "again 'huh?'" I asked out annoyed not understanding what they were talking about.

"Boy, you have been smiling, joking, and playing around a lot after Chu started living with you," Taehyung said as he sips his beer.

"What! No!" I disagreed, what they are talking is not true

"Oh please, you are so whipped for baby JiJi" he added

"How many times should I tell you not to call Noona 'baby JiJi'" I snapped, annoyed by the nickname he gave Jisoo

"Jealousy~" Hobi Hyung mumbled while eating his chips, while Jin and Namjoon Hyung sighed

"How do you feel when Jisoo is with you," Jin Hyung asked

"It feels amazing, heavenly and most of all it always feels right" I smiled thinking about Jisoo "the way she smiles when I get her chicken, I feel like I won the biggest award, and when she pouts when she loses the game, I purposefully lose so see her heart-shaped smile and wait-" I stopped realising, I looked at Namjoon Hyung who gave a now-you-understand look and then to Jin Hyung who was genuinely smiling.

"Okay I give up, but it's just mere crush" I reasoned out

"Crush?" Yoongi Hyung scoffed, 'I thought he was sleeping' "you have fallen hard" he stated, and went back to sleeping leaving me thinking.

"Maybe I have, how much longer can I push my feelings away?" I said out blushing madly.

"That's my boy!" Jin Hyung smiled "now when are you going to confess?" Hobi Hyung asked

"Soon..." I mumbled smiling.


"Superman, where were you?" Jisoo asked the half-asleep boy, yes she still calls him 'superman' and he was mad at first but when he realized there is no way he can stop Jisoo from calling him 'superman' he got used to it. "Oh! Chu!" he smiled and hugged her tight "Wait! YOUR DRUNK?" she was mad "hehe maybe?" he tilted his head like a small boy that softened Jisoo heart "Aish, now come I will get you to bed," she said pulling the drunk boy but he stood still without moving "come on get moving!" she said struggling to move the boy who was made of steel "what do you eat? Your so heavy" she whined "I am not heavy!" he pouted like a baby "it's the muscles" he flexed showing it to her "what to touch" he whispered into her ear, and she was struck by how his personality changes from a bunny boy to a perverted man in a blink of an eye. "Byeontae!" she yelled and started hitting him "Aish! ooff! Sorry! Mianhae!" he said escaping her attacks and the red tint in her cheeks was not unnoticed by the boy. "Okay! Okay~ I will go sleep, but promise me something" he went back being the cute small boy and Jisoo is still not able to understand the duality the man in front of her holds. "Tell me" She sighed massaging her temples "tomorrow we both are going out for lunch, wear a pretty dress" he ordered, "why?" she was confused "Just because I want to" he shrugged and was about to leave "can I perhaps ask you a question?" she asked with hesitation playing with her tone "s-sure," he asked, she looked down fiddling with her finger, she did look very nervous which made Jungkook nervous 'is she going to confess? I am the luckiest man in the world!' "Do y-you have a multiple personality disorder?" "WHAT!" he asked annoyed "NO!" he hissed and left the room angry because she did not ask what he wanted her to ask. "Well good that I am not living with a weirdo" she reasoned and went to sleep. "How can she ask me that!" he repeated the same question the hundredth time "Kook! It's not her mistake, to be honest sometimes even I feel it" his mother answers through the other line "What! Eomma you're my mother!" he huffed and she laughed "well my son I need to take my beauty sleep, so shut your noisy ass Jeon" she coolly explained "you really do not act like a mother" he hissed "Just because I got a boy out of my vagina does not mean I cannot have fun" she reasoned out and he sighed "anyways go sleep and all the best to tomorrow!" she squeaked like a fangirl "yea, okay bye," he said and ended the call. "Gosh I can't wait for tomorrow," he said and drifted to his dreamland.

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