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"Lee Rang!"

"Oh hey! beautiful!" he smirked walking towards her "don't come forward" she hissed taking a step back "oh love, why are you scared of me?" he pouted "you pervert get out! Jungkook! JUNGKOOK!" she screamed for help "he cannot hear you, so stop wasting your energy" he said walking a step closer to her "no! Please get out!" she bit her lips trying to control her tears "please don't cry, tears look ugly on you Noona" he mocked,

What can I do?

What can she do?

 She is stuck in the bathroom with a weird man so seemed to know everything about her. She can't call for help nor can she do anything to help herself...

"The powers of yours seem cool, like it would be my fantasy to see me and you getting married having children who have mine and your powers that would be dope!" he beamed imagining the scene which truly disgusted the female in front of him "how do you know about my powers'' she asked, only Jungkook and her knows about this how did he get to know? "Oh sweety, I know you better than what you know yourself" he smirked "h-how?" she stammered with her hand holding the edge of the marble counter and looking around for a way to defend herself from this new threat that approached her "and to be honest your powers can do some much more than just flashing some pretty lights'' he mocked, this man seriously is weird one minute was flirting with me and then all of a sudden start mocking and then goes dead serious, like what is wrong with all the boys I know! They all have some weird duality that makes me go crazy.

Jisoo wanted to stay there and get to know more about this person who knew who she really was but her guts told her to run away, and she always believed in her gut feeling "you know what, I know so much more than flashing pretty lights" she smirked, and the wall crashed down with a flick of her finger that made him flinch in shock, seeing Rang, not in focus she took the opportunity to take the shampoo which was on the counter and splash it in him "fuck" he hissed in pain rubbing his red eyes and will all the mess she made Jisoo ran for her life leaving the man to enjoy the soapy bubbly mess.

Jisoo ran to the living room only to find it empty with no one "Jungkook!" "JUNGKOOK!" "JIMIN?!" "TAETAE!!!" "JIN OPPA?!" "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU??!" she yelled in anger and frustration "see I told you, it's only us and no one can help you" she heard his voice against the door, he was still rubbing his eyes with irritation, he looked at her with pity almost like he enjoyed seeing her struggle, he saw her only as entertainment, this was what she feared: being a toy to other, only an object, nothing more than a throwaway doll and less of a human.


No one can help me




Voices in her head started to whisper, it was true right now she is lonely, no one can help her, she is helpless, but she won't give up, she can't give up.

With all her might she started running, she didn't know where but she ran "there's no point Jisoo, give up" Rang said tired of all the bullshit, sitting on the sofa looking at the movie playing on the TV. She heard him, she even got a glimpse of him sitting on the sofa watching the movie but that did not stop she ran to find a place to hide in this huge-ass mansion "maybe I can run out" she mumbled 'I can't do out through the main door, he is there maybe I can get out through the basement" she whispered to herself, breathing heavily because of all the running.

Panic drove her more as she heard the echo of his footsteps getting closer to her, every second mattered, carelessness could lead her to death

She started running towards the basement, she got a look at the living room, Rang was still here watching the movie with big doe eyes, which made her smile a little but she shook it off and started running to the basement, "Jisoo! JISOO?! Where are you going!?" she heard him, she looked behind to only see him running behind her "leave me alone!" she hissed "you're going to the basement?!" he asked to which she merely nodded, she heard him curse under his breath "don't go there!" he yelled, "no way" she spat and ran faster.

So he doesn't want me going to the basement huh? Well that gives me more of a reason to go.

I pick up the pace, almost running out of breath as I race down skipping past steps to reach this basement he didn't want me entering. I slowed down as I reached the last few steps with one hand on the bricked wall for support. They have with huge fucking mansion, but why are these steps so fucking steep. She could have slipped if she didn't check twice before walking. Looking around it felt like the place could collapse with one wrong move, spider webs in the corners and dusty boxes filled the room, Weren't they rich or something. It felt as if even the maids were scared to come down here.

She entered the basement and it was pitch dark, she had to get her hands forward to ensure she did not dash into anything,


There was the sound of something falling 'did he fall? I wish he did' she mentally prayed. "Jisoo!" he called out but there was no way she would respond to him. "Fuck! Jisoo answer me!" he growled, no response "I know you are there!" he yelled, she heard him but would do anything to get away from him "Jisoo you can escape but just get out of this freaking basement!" he shrieked 'is he scared of the basement? Whatever' she rolled her eyes and started walking but on her way her leg hit a carton which fell causing a long crash.

"Found you" a whisper reached her ear she looked back to see nothing "who is there?" she asked, silence "Rang?" "don't play with me" she chuckled in fear, nothing but darkness and pin drop silence. "Aish..." she mumbled and started walking "Jisoo!" she heard him yell for her again "Jisoo just come back, we can't be in the basement!" he screamed "why?!" she yelled back "just come back, we can't be here.......please" he answered almost pleading her, 'why is he being so dramatic?' she sighs "Jisoo! Please" he cried "no way i am going to fall for your damn tricks" she hissed and started to walk.

She could see a beam of light at a distance, and a source of light means a way of escape "did this house become big all of a sudden or what?" she said panting for air "Jisoo of the love of god, just come back!" he yelled again but she ignored him and walked towards the light.

"Ah! Finally freedom" she smiled running towards the source of light

10 more steps...

I can run away from this hell

9 more steps...

I can live in peace with Jungkook

8 more steps...

I don't have to deal with that weirdo anymore

6 more steps...

I can finally have my chicken!

5 more steps...

The light just became dark.

Wait, what?

Yes, it just vanished its dark, dull, and quite, I am back stuck with no way of escape 'fuck'

she was so in control, everything was going right, she could feel the freedom on her skin, why did the Gods always put fate against her favour, did they want to punish so bad, did they want her to go on edge. Just then, light beamed behind her, she turned to face it that instant, the light was giving a spotlight to a man who was dressed in black, seriously a black shirt, black coat, black pants with black gloves and most importantly black sunglasses. You couldn't separate him from his shadow, there was an aura to him that gave her goosbumps.

"See I found you" he smiled evilly adjusting his glasses

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