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"Jungkook we're going to be late if you don't hurry your ass up" Jisoo screamed from behind the door. Jisoo's heart was pacing, she never showed anybody her secret hide-out especially a boy. But she wasn't going to show this to anybody she was going to be her boyfriend. What if he thinks I'm weird. Especially after last night...

"No comment love?" Jungkook flirted as both his hands opened the double door that led to his room. Jisoo who was lost in thought looked up at her boyfriend. He wore a black shirt with baggy jeans with a flannel over it and a necklace to finish it off. You could say it looked like this

"There is no way your mine" Jisoo smiled as she put her hand in his

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"There is no way your mine" Jisoo smiled as she put her hand in his. They both chuckled, whilst walking to the car that was parked. Jungkook opened the door for her."Mylady" He bowed which made Jisoo as she sat in the passenger seat. Even if they were silent together, there was no awkwardness, they were comfortable with each other. The music played in the background as Jisoo's window brought air to her face as they drove off to the location she gave him.

"What would happen if you took me to a slaughterhouse. JISOO NOO DONT KILL ME" Jungkook dramatically exclaimed trying to get clues out of her.

"Your tactics won't work on me, bunny" she smirked as turned her face to his."This place won't be as bad you think, it might be weird at first but you'll realize how calming it is." 

"I didn't know slaughterhouses are calming" Jungkook sarcastically joked They burst into laughter as the music being played before was hidden under their conversations. They were away from the cityscape and reached a semi-rural area.

----You have reached your destination---

Bepped the car as Jungkook looked out trying to see where this secret hide-out was. He looked up and saw a sign 'NAMGUNG's ORPHANAGE' He was taken aback by the sign. He never took Jisoo as one to go to orphanages. "We're here" she smiled.

"An orphanage?" Jungkook wanted to know more about this new side of Jisoo revealed to him."My mom used to go here quite a lot, I never really knew why but ever since I was a teen my mom brought me here telling me to 'Always give back what was given' I never knew what that meant and honestly I'm fine with not knowing." Jisoo finished her little speech as they walked together. Jungkook inspecting every inch of the building. It looked old but not abandoned. He never thought about an orphanage feeling homely, but why did suddenly an unknown place feel familiar to him. He simply shrugged it off when he could hear a group of children running to them.



"Unnie who is this man"

"Is this Unnie's driver?"

He heard screaming from all around her and suddenly she was dragged away with them. "Did those kids call me her driver?" He pouted seeing those kids run away with her. Nevertheless, he decided to follow them. He opened the very creaky door that looked like it could fall apart any day. He found the heard in a large dining room where the kids sat on the floor patiently asking Jisoo a question after another. He decided to join them. 

"Ok my precious kid, I want you to meet my boyfriend," Jisoo said pointing to Jungkook who had sat next to her.

"Unnie why are you boyfriends with the driver" one of the kids asked. From their tone, you could see that they were genuinely worried about their unnie.

Jungkook's mouth was left open in shock, had he never heard of him. Jungkook was quite popular, how could these little kids not know him? He turned to Jisoo annoyed "Kids these days are awfully honest, it's like they have no filter" he whispered to her ear.

This only made Jisoo laugh out loud, "Wow driver man-made Jisoo unnie laugh. He must be a pretty good boyfriend." said one kid from the crowd. Amongst the kids, there was one particular boy who looked like he was angry on the verge of tears. "UNNIE HOW CAN YOU DO THIS!" he screamed, he looked red with swollen eyes.

Jisoo was genuinely worried" What happened Ji-hoon you can talk to me." Jisoo said going towards the child. "How could you have a boyfriend when you know I have a crush on you. I HATE THAT MAN" he cried, which made Jisoo's heart light again. "He is a very nice man and I like him a lot, could you please try to like him for me."Jisoo pouted in a childlike face. The boy thought about it for a while and pointed at Jungkook "You better treat her right or I'm going to steal her away from you." 

"YESSIR!" he smiled while giving a salute to the boy. Jungkook left the kids as it seemed like Jisoo's presence was enough for them. He stood and watched in a distance and how she made them happy even without trying. Soon an older man came up to him. "The kids are very happy when Ms. Kim meets them, she's like a ray of sunshine for them. Sadly, not many parents come here due to how it looks from the outside. We haven't had an adoption in years." The old man sighed. Jungkook looked at his girl making the children feel joyous, Wow I really can't believe that she's mine. I hope I never wake up from this dream.

"She really is a ray of sunshine"

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