Prologue - The Diagnosis

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It was neither planned to ever happen, nor did Teruki appreciate this situation. To be honest, he wished he could've avoided it, but he realized it was never to be possible and that the choice he had made was the one and best of all the other. It was the only option right now, after all. He has waited and he has observed which caused him to now be sure – bringing his beloved Shigeo Kageyama to a psychiatrist was the least harmful thing he could do at the moment.

Shigeo was actually near, sitting next to Teru in a waiting room that was in front of the psychiatrist's office. He seemed extremely nervous which broke Teru's heart in two, but he knew there was nothing to do about it right now. He had made a step and now they just needed to wait for their turn. They were silent, mainly because Kageyama was too afraid to speak and Teru was too concerned to speak. Another reason was, for what they knew, it was better to stay quiet in offices like this since there were other patients behind the door.

The same door Shigeo will have to open any minute now.

Kageyama didn't quite know what to do. His thoughts were going crazy and it almost made his head hurt but well... He knew all the way Teruki was right. He had experienced some dissociation lately and sometimes he didn't even remember those moments. Teru would tell him millions of times, repeating himself and explaining in the smallest details what Shigeo was doing but he felt like it never happened – as if he was unconscious for some time and he woke up only after certain events.

It wasn't only this – sometimes Shigeo would hear some unrecognisable noise in his mind that would show him how to do diverse things. Or he felt that he can do something even though he had never tried it. Not to mention forgetting the whole days of work and usually hearing the same message from his boss after them – that he was everything wrong for the first hour of work but after the boss's talk he spent the rest of the day working better than expected.

It was almost as if he dissociated from reality from time to time. And well, it really happened. Even Teruki claimed it did.

Shigeo shivered at the thought that he could be diagnosed with some weird-for-his-age disorder such as the Alzheimer disease. He didn't want to but well, Teru promised him it would be better after this visit. He said Shigeo would feel better the moment he goes into the waiting room. Well... He wasn't right.

The door opened suddenly, causing Shigeo to gasp silently and shiver even more. Teru gave him a concerned look but said nothing, watching as the middle-aged woman left the office and headed surely to the exit. Teruki got up, nodding to the psychiatrist, Mr Kirin Jodo, who stood stoically in the door, observing his newest clients. Shigeo didn't move.

"Good afternoon, Mr Jodo. I am Hanazawa Teruki and I came here with my partner who, I believe, is in need of professional help. Shigeo?"

Kageyama looked like a stone, not moving a bit and barely breathing under the stress he was in.

"Shigeo?" asked Teru again, his face revealing worry and will to help his boyfriend.

"Mr Hanazawa, I think it's best that we give Shigeo a moment to calm down."

Teru gave the psychiatrist an apologizing look and kneeled in front of Shigeo, taking his hands in his own.

"Hey, Shige" He said quietly and softly, what brought the brunette's attention. He looked at Teru but his eyes were terrified. "I know it's not easy for you. But we must go in there. You have to explain what is happening to you so that we can get the help you need, alright?" Teruki squeezed Shigeo's hands a little bit. "I am with you all the time. I just need you to speak a bit to Mr Jodo, okay?"

Shigeo shook his head and squinted his eyes hard, as if he never wanted to open them again. Teru observed it in silence, sighing and getting up. Staying next to his only love, he hugged him, helping Shigeo to hide his head in his upper body.

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