Chapter 3 - Reactions: Teru

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Although it was Shigeo who got the diagnosis, he wasn't the only one affected by this situation. Of course, he was the main victim all together, simply because of being the traumatized one but the discovery of his disorder was revolutionary to not only him. It meant much for Teru as well.

It wasn't that Teruki felt bad or that he hated what happened. No, he was really relieved that his dearest could finally get the help that he needed, and he just hoped for the best of it. The therapy was the only option – he kept telling himself, just to prove that he was totally okay with it when truth be told – he wasn't.

He wanted the best for Shigeo. That was an obvious fact and he was truly delightful that they eventually got to know what the case was and what kind of treatment was needed. Even the thought of getting to know the others – Shigeo's alters – better didn't thrill him as he imagined it would. It was alright because Teru knew their mission was, after all, the same. To protect Shigeo with their life. Knowing he'd do everything for Kageyama and knowing his alters would come upfront whenever Shige was in a bad mental state was comforting. Now he wasn't the only one in this business. There were other people – probably more than these two he already knew about – caring deeply for Shigeo and willing to do everything to make his life better. And it was nice.

But, on the other hand, discovering something like this was a lot for such a short amount of time. Teru didn't expect this outcome and he was still getting used to, even though he tried not to show it. He didn't want to scare Shigeo or seem to disrespect his condition. And it also wasn't entirely that. The truth was, this whole situation changed many things between them. It didn't show immediately but Teru just felt it. Something did change. And if it wasn't ruined, then sure at least touched.

He had to bear with these emotions, piling up inside of him. Shigeo had to as well but Shigeo had his alters, and therapy and a different perspective. Teruki, however, was a full-time worker at a company who would love to spend more time with his boyfriend at home and maybe just understand him better. Hanazawa hoped maybe he could talk with Reigen himself at times, just to collide his point of view with the therapist's one and to see how to cope. Because no matter how much he claimed to understand and accept Shigeo with no notice of any obstacles, he knew it wasn't perfect and even though he accepted him, he didn't fully understand. But how to fully understand when he never had any voices of other people in his head and he was always the only one?

"Teru" he heard the voice behind him and turned around just to meet the smiling face of Shigeo. The brunet stood next to the door and waited peacefully for an answer. "We should get going, hm? My therapy starts in an hour..."

Teruki nodded and went to the small office in their apartment to take his stuff. A few days ago, after the first therapy session, Shigeo and he agreed that they would drive together to Mr Reigen, since the blond owned a car and Shigeo did not. It wasn't always possible – for this week, Kageyama took some time of his job but later, after the so-called vacation, he was to go back to work and then, it wouldn't be so easy for them to commune. The idea they came up with said that Shigeo would get to the office himself after his work and after the session, Teru would pick him up. It matched perfectly with their working hours and so it was the right choice.

Now, Teru wished he didn't have to work and provide for them. He just wanted to stay with Shige and talk to him – tell him all of his worries and thoughts. Tell him what he understood and what he didn't. What was hard for him and what was a relief. He just wanted to improve his relationship with his boyfriend who now was a lot more complicated than ever before.

"I'm ready!" He screamed from the hallway, while tying his shoe lances. Shigeo appeared soon after, putting a scarf around his neck.

"Mhm. I'm also here."

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