Chapter 4 - Declaration: Ritsu

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Ritsu felt bad.

But not only this, he felt hopeless and powerless. Actually, maybe just everything-less because of his brother's case. It still drove him crazy and mad, every time he thought about it. It was stronger than him and he felt the underlying anger and the will to let Shigeo's abusers feel the same that he had felt, whatever it was. It didn't matter. The way of the abuse was of no importance and the level of violence was not to be judged – the fact, the only important thing, right now was that Shigeo Kageyana, Ritsu's dear brother, was in some way abused during his childhood and the repercussions of that were very present nowadays.

He blamed himself. For both not protecting Shigeo back then and for not being the one abused. Why was it that it had to be Shigeo? The older Kageyama was much more sensitive and had such a weak psyche that Ritsu knew it would be much easier if he was the one hurt. That way, he'd cope with it somehow. He knew and thought he would – and then his brother wouldn't have to worry and deal with anything.

On the other hand, he knew that, well, Shigeo coped with it as well, somehow if it could be named this way. After all, his case, his Dissociative Identity Disorder was the way his brained decided to cope with the intense abuse he had went through. Even the fact that he didn't remember anything from his childhood and, within, anything abnormal or weird. His disorder was, however, very real. Ritsu knew about it and he knew he had to accept it like he always accepted Shigeo. No matter what. And he accepted him even now, from the first second he knew.

Ritsu accepted his brother but he didn't accept the fact that he wasn't there for him always and everywhere. Even though he claimed he was.

Maybe it was the biggest problem? That Ritsu had always been protective over Shigeo and he promised him, he would always help him and prevent anything bad from happening to him. When Teru and his brother started their relationship, Ritsu was sceptical at the beginning. He believed, being the only person capable of protecting Shigeo, Teru was a threat to his happiness and security. But with time and thought, it seemed that Teruki was actually a good person and a great partner to Shige.

Thanks to that, Ritsu could have a rest and focus more on his own boyfriend, who was now lying on the couch and chewing a gum while observing the brunet and thinking about something. It was very visible but Ritsu didn't seem to notice. Shou popped his gum but it didn't bring Ritsu's attention which was weird.

How did he not see it earlier? Ritsu spent so much time with his brother – they hanged out quite often, more often than most of the siblings. It was almost impossible that Shigeo was upfront every time that they met. Ritsu knew he probably met the others – the alters and this thought was also annoying to him. Because if others were upfront, then they were probably because of something triggering or stressful that had happened before it and had caused it. And Ritsu wasn't there to protect his brother.


Ritsu looked at Shou who didn't care about anything and just stared at the ceiling, still chewing his gum.

There was only one thing that could be done and that would bring justice. Justice and peace upon Ritsu's soul.

"Shou" Kageyama said, causing the redhead to twitch and suddenly sit on the couch with shock in his eyes. Suzuki didn't expect Ritsu to speak up any moment soon. "Shou. I know what I have to do."

Shou gave Ritsu an asking look and tilted his head, still not knowing what exactly was happening. Not that he wasn't used to. It was normal for the brunet to behave this way, weirdly, suddenly and unreasonably motivated.

"I swear I am going to find Shigeo's abuser and punish them." Ritsu declared.

Well, it certainly wasn't something that Shou expected either. He was ready to hear some laments and angry comments on how Ritsu hated whoever hurt his brother, but he didn't think a statement like this would be made. Sure, it made sense that Ritsu had said such a thing but... Shou believed it wasn't the best option.

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