Chapter 9 - Alters: Musashi Goda

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Musashi didn't understand everything. Ever since he realized he was somewhere else, not in his beloved Glasgow, training every day for another competition, he found everything around this body interesting, surprising, and new. He didn't even think much about it. He was there sometimes, in a smaller, weaker body of someone definitely younger but unless he got a chance to work out, he tried to pay it no mind. Sure, it was weird for him. How did he suddenly appear in another place, in Japan, his motherland, where he hadn't been in a few years by then? He remembered winning a weightlifting competition in the US and then, after a few days, finding out that his teammates weren't around, his body was weaker suddenly and just everything was somehow different.

But he didn't think about it on a daily basis. He had a room that looked quite similar to the one that he remembered having. There was sports' equipment, his weights, treadmill, exercise bike... It was there and he could use it all the time. Sometimes he got out of his room and then he could meet other people in a gym. They spoke Japanese, which was quite surprising to him as well, but soon after he changed his environment all the sudden, he realized he was in fact in Japan.

To be honesty, Musashi liked it out there. He enjoyed both working out in his room and having other people around him, but he never could have both at once, which he didn't really understand. But it didn't matter since he got to speak time with others in a gym. He loved the feeling of sweat coming down his face, the others encouraging him and laughing at his jokes. He liked it, even though he didn't experience it that often.

At first, he would tell other people that his name was Musashi – what it was – but he quickly learnt that the strangers surrounding this body named him "Shigeo". He was also shocked to find out that apparently, someone changed his legal name to this "Shigeo"! But he just accepted it, finding it bizarre but tolerable. Musashi used this name, when he had to speak with his friends from the gym, but he still knew he was Musashi Goda, a world champion in weightlifting. Just in a weird place and an odd body.

And he lived in this mindset until today, when he came back home, the real home where he was told to live in, even though it certainly didn't look like his room. Musashi took the bus, opened the door what he found quite surprising. He didn't have many memories from this house – he remembered many moments from the gym, his previous work-outs in there, even the way back home but only few time before had he opened the door to his house. His and Teruki's, who was apparently his partner.

Musashi had nothing against homosexual or transgender people. He remembered even taking part in a LGBTQ+ supporting action once, being the face of this campaign. He was trying to be a person who accepted everyone for who they were. But he thought himself that he was attracted to girls only... So, it was quite startling for him to discover that he was in a relationship with Teruki Hanazawa, who also called him Shigeo. He didn't mind – Teru was a very nice person and he liked him. Musashi just found it surprising that he ended up in a relationship with a man.

And he didn't have memories of being with that man.

Today however, he wasn't thinking about it. When he opened the front door and stepped in the house, smiling widely and slowly undressing himself, he noticed that Teruki came closer to him and smiled as well, probably to welcome him wholeheartedly. Musashi waved at him and smiled even more, what seemed to disturb Teru. He looked as if he'd just realized something.

"Mob?" He asked. Musashi frowned, because he expected Teruki to name him "Shigeo", as he previously had. "Who's out? Who am I talking to?"

Teru looked as though he was panicking, what made Musashi even more confused. And he already was puzzled by what the blond had said. Who was out? What did it even mean? Musashi was here, at least he thought so. Who else could it be? Teru was talking to Musashi, who was for some reason named Shigeo.

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