Chapter 6 - Beginning: Alters 2

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First of all, Teruki would have never thought that he'd ever end up in a therapy room. So far, he lived a pretty normal life, without any serious problems. Second of all, it wasn't the first time he actually ended up in a therapy room and he honestly didn't know what to think about it. It was weird to talk to a psychiatrist and a therapist on his own when he wasn't the one who needed professional help. But apparently, it seemed that his opinions and experiences were necessary for the one who needed this help. And this person wasn't Reigen, who Teru was to start speaking to, sitting on the couch and trying to calm down his nerves.

What was he going to speak about? And, more importantly – how? Would he be asked questions again, as it was the first time when Mr Jodo diagnosed Shigeo? Teruki didn't know as he had no actual experience with therapists and talking to them about their patient.

The only thing Shigeo told him was "Be yourself. Speak about everything you find a good topic. Master is going to guide you.". Well, it wasn't much information. Generally, Teruki had no problem with improvisation but now he kind of feared that if he didn't have a well-planned list of the things he wanted to include in his speech, he wouldn't be able to inform Mr Reigen about everything that was to be noticed.

Teru was told that his information was crucial – that they would make progress in his partner's therapy and maybe it was the problem. To have such role and impact on Shigeo's well-being... He was afraid that he would ruin it if he didn't complete his so-called mission perfectly. He knew that he was probably just overthinking right now. But for some reason he couldn't just let it go like he usually did. It was too important. Shigeo was too important to him, to the world and to literally everything.

He closed his eyes and breathed out. In his mind, he revived all of the mental notes he made himself. First, speak about the energetic boy. Second, speak about Musashi that they were now sure was in the system. Ask, if it's possible that Musashi doesn't know he's a part of the system, what was Shigeo's and his theory that they came up with a few days ago. Kageyama even tried to communicate with Musashi but he couldn't reach him in any way. Lastly, talk a little bit about others that Reigen might ask about and answer Reigen's questions as detailed as possible.

Okay, maybe Teruki had a plan written. Not that it changed the fact he was afraid, though.

Reigen stepped in the room with a smile on his face. Shigeo was to arrive in 30 minutes, so they had some time to speak before the therapy began. Fortunately, the system that usually had their session just before Shigeo – so The Toys System – was planned for a different time this week.

Reigen agreed to speak with Teru. Moreover, he also agreed that it was a good idea for them to speak and get additional information about Shigeo. When Kageyama texted him, asking if they could bring the idea he got to life, Reigen encouraged him to do it and tried to arrange it as soon as possible. Believing it was a good option, just a week later, Teru was here, in the office, to speak about Shigeo and the others. For Shigeo.

"Hello, Hanazawa-san" Reigen welcomed him with a smile so comforting that Teruki's fears seemed to shove away in a second. He started wondering if it was the "magic of Reigen" that Shige told him about a few times. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Serizawa and I got a very important call that couldn't have waited. But now I'm here, willing to talk to you."

Teru asked himself in his mind if it was possible to smile wider than Mr Reigen did.

"Let us start, shall we?" the therapist asked. He sat in his armchair and comforted himself. Once he had done everything, he looked straight at Teru and with a face more serious now, he stated another question. "What have you seen, Hanazawa-san?"

"Well," Teru started "I guess a lot. I think it would be best if we began with the one Shigeo and I know least about... Apart from the ghost and the chaotic teenager, that is" Reigen nodded to show that he understood "Shigeo... is not a person to smile very often. Of course, sometimes he does and these moments are adorable. But usually, he's quite reserved and silent. I wouldn't lie if I called Shige a shy person. He doesn't speak much, even though he thinks a lot, and when he does speak, he usually chooses people that are the closest to him. So, for example me, Ritsu, Tome, Shou or Ichi."

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