Chapter 1 - Reactions: Ritsu, Shou, Tome, Ichi

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It was a mess and Teruki was slowly growing tired of that. All that happened yesterday had severely affected not only Shigeo's mood, but also Teru's own mindset in which now the only words he recognized were "trauma", "many personalities" and "dissociation". It was obvious to him that Shigeo suffered from serious dissociative amnesia since the idea of anything bad happening to him during his childhood froze his whole body and he just kept saying that he didn't remember anything, Apparently, it seemed someone else could know but Teru was neither one to discover who it was, nor he craved to. He did enough, trying to calm Shigeo down and hugging him in his sleep after hours of sobbing and whining.

Now Shigeo was still asleep, lying peacefully on their bed with dried tears on his face and a fearful expression. Teru hoped he slept some more.

He was sitting in the kitchen and thinking about today. He, as well as the brunet, knew what they had to do. He realized how important it was to inform everyone from their life – their friends and family – that Shigeo has DID and will now seek treatment for himself. Teruki knew also that he needed to find a good therapist for his boyfriend. All the research he did said it was the only way to live with this disorder – to work with a therapist and to understand your alters – it seemed – better which was called system cooperation.

Truth be told, it was a hard situation. Teruki didn't quite know how to cope with the information that he was in a relationship with not one person, but many people. In fact, he didn't even know how many and it seemed neither did Shigeo. He didn't expect any news from him right now. His boyfriend was a pile of nerves and hearing about his disorder could trigger him.

He talked about informing others with Shigeo yesterday, when he calmed down a little bit. Actually, their conversation about it was the only conversation during yesterday after Mr Jodo's diagnosis in which Shige was even conscious in any way. Before, he was just nodding, staying silent and letting tears wet his cheeks. When Teru asked him what he thought about telling Ritsu, Tome and Shou, Shigeo immediately agreed that it needed to be done as soon as possible and just went back to his miserable self. Well, after some time he had a panic attack, like one of those earlier that day.

Yesterday's evening was filled with mixed panicking and relaxing for a moment. Whenever it seemed to be fine, it was wrong all the new again in a second.

Taking advantage of the fact his dearest was still sleeping, Teru opened his phone and wrote a message to all of their closest friends. Knowing Shou and Ritsu would visit them together, no matter what, he texted just the younger Kageyama brother, since he was the first one who was supposed to know.

Tome replied right away, saying she'd gladly meet them in a cafeteria and gave Teru the hour at which she finished her university classes today.

"Such irony" thought Teru, sending her a thumb up in response. "that Tome is a psychology student..."

He knew that her motivation to start these studies was actually her strong belief that only by discovering the deepest parts of human's psyche she could understand how to reach out to the aliens and how to make perfects conditions for humanity to be able to achieve the proper technology level to do so but he paid it no mind. What was important now is that even though she didn't care very much for the "real" psychology, she surely knew something. At least more than them and at least she had her ways to find the best person to help Shigeo.

Teru twitched when he heard his phone ringing. Picking up right away, he just hoped it didn't wake Shigeo up.

"Hey Teru" said Ichi loudly and Hanazawa could almost see her smiling on the other side of the phone call. "Sorry for calling, but I'm on my way now and I couldn't just text you back. What was your question though?"

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