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its been about 3 days since I started avoiding yanagi whenever lunch came by I ran to the toilet and stayed there till lunch was over and after I would always climb the back gate instead of using the front one because im sure he will be there then today as I was running to the toilet I bumped into someone and almost fell but he caught me whose scent was familiar

yanagi; y/n?! where have you been these few days ive been looking for you

y/n; what are you doing

I said and pushed him away and got my balance back

yanagi; have you been coming to school?  haven't seen you since that day

y/n; w-why are you being so nice to me

yanagi; because I want to be friends and get closer to you

y/n; well I dont

I said and bumped into his shoulder before I left him standing there I ran and ran tears were flowing out my eyes and I dont even know why then I bumped into someone again

y/n; I need to stop *sniffle* bumping into *sniffle* people

miyamura; sis?

I looked up and saw my brother looking at me shocked as he took my hand and brought me to the rooftop

he sat me down and hugged me and comforted me

miyamura; tell me what happened

y/n; I-I think im in love with yanagi but I also know he likes yuki

miyamura; hey sis you know not all first loves work out well me and hori-san just got lucky and plus yanagi seemed to care about you quite a lot considering that day he waited for you till the school guards told him to leave

y/n; h-he did that?

miyamura; he sure did maybe its because he was kind but honestly I dont think he would go out of his way this much

y/n; he told me he wanted to be friends with me and then I told him I dont want to

miyamura sighed and pulled away

miyamura; do you want to be his friend or not?

I nodded

miyamura; then go apologise to him my little sister is a brave girl who isn't scared of anyone alright

I sighed and nodded

miyamura; class is about to start lets head back

he took my hand and brought me back to class then I saw yanagi walking happily with yuki , ishikawa and hori-san he looked at me and then we made eye contact then he looked away and continued smiling away with yuki it pissed me off but I was the cause of this , this was like how I first met him but he smiled at me instead of avoiding my gaze

you sighed and looked out at the window he looked so cute wearing glasses there must be a lot of girls after him and im just me a gloomy girl who is rude and unkind but that doesn't matter anyways he already has a girl he liked shes cute , pretty and kind


I was waiting for miyamura while kicking the rocks around me then someone walked up to me I looked up and saw yanagi?

y/n; w-what are you doing here

yanagi; did you really mean it when you said you didnt want to be friends?

this is your chance y/n apologise to him

y/n; n-no im sorry I was just stressed about something

yanagi; well then if that is settled do you want to go somewhere with me ive been dying to go there and no one was available today

y/n; actually I-

then I got a text from miyamura saying hori-san suddenly wanted to go out on a date so he asked me to head home first

y/n; sure

yanagi; great!

he grabbed my hand and brought me to the café my heart did so many flips when I felt his warm hand touch against my cold hand

yanagi; here we are

when we walked in he didnt let go he kept holding onto my hand until we reach the table and the waitress came to take our order

y/n & yanagi; I would like a strawberry shortcake please

then we looked at each other and laughed

yanagi; 2 strawberry shortcakes one water and?

then he looked at me asking me what I wanted to drink

y/n; a vanilla milkshake is fine

waitress; alright your order will be out shortly

yanagi; I didnt know you liked strawberry shortcakes too

y/n; its my favourite cake

yanagi; no way same here , hey doesn't your mom have a bakery?

y/n; yea what about it

yanagi; then do you know how to bake?

y/n; not really I mostly just helped out with miyamura when he is baking when I was young

yanagi; I see you must be really close with your brother

y/n; yea he gave me these pier- never mind

oh my god my big mouth almost blabbered that I have piercings and tattoos

yanagi; well what do you like to do in your free time

y/n; I like to sing and draw

yanagi; wow maybe someday you can sing for me make sure im your first audience

I know your just being friendly but I cant help but let me heart skip a beat whenever you are nice to me I dont know what to do this is the first time ive ever felt this way about someone what should I do

yanagi; y/n!

y/n; huh

yanagi; so you were spacing out haha cute anyways our cakes are here

he handed me a small fork and I took it but d-did he just call me cute? no no im probably just overthinking it

after eating the desserts we chatted for some time after he send me home and then we went our sperate ways

miyamura; what a date huh

y/n; w-what

I covered my bright red flushed cheeks

miyamura; my little baby sister is growing up so fast

y/n; oh shut up

I said as I went and tackled him to the ground

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now