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the night was cold and empty I have never felt this type of loneliness in a long time but yanagi wasn't beside me so I guess he slept on the couch last night

I went to the bathroom and showered since miyamura moved my stuff from sosuke's house to yanagi's I wonder why he would be acting like that

after I was done I sat on the bed and lit up a cigarette since I do that every morning

I was looking through my notifications and saw that an unknown number messaged me it was from the us it said

"my dear y/n haha cringy right but I wanted to let you know ive reached the us and met my fiancée already she is gorgeous but I still love you but I know we both have to move on ive already left japan I cant turn back anymore I will treat my fiancée well so I hope you can treat yanagi well too I know you still kind of hate him but trust me he changed and I wish you all the happiness in the world its time to let go for the both of us I love you my darling see you in another life."

I tried to call the number but he blocked me

is this really goodbye? couldn't we be friends?

I squeezed my phone tightly while trying my best not to cry then I heard a knock on the door

yanagi; hey I got you some breakfast come out and eat

I wiped my tears and washed my face and stepped out of the room and sat in front of yanagi at the dining table

yanagi; I got you a sandwich and some bacon since I dont know if you have any mood to eat

y/n; thanks I guess

I sat there quietly eating my sandwich not wanting to talk to yanagi

yanagi; I know you hate me because of what I did and I dont blame you and if your really uncomfortable staying here with me then you can leave I wont force you to stay here

I opened my eyes wide did he just tell me that I could leave if I wanted to

normal me would have just packed my shit and fucked off last night but there like something holding me back from leaving maybe I want to see how hes changed

y/n; im fine

he looked at me clearly in shock

yanagi; are you serious right now

y/n; I mean yea unless you want me to leave

yanagi; no uhm im just abit surprised

maybe its because of what sosuke told me in his last message to me that I want to give yanagi another chance but I dont know if I can

y/n; your making a big fuss of something that didnt need to be but anyways im done im going out

I had made an appointment with my tattoo artist to get a new tattoo and its gonna be sosuke's initials since well he was a big part of my life and I never want to forget him

then it came to my mind that I have yanagi's name on my collarbone too

y/n; fuck this is dumb

I went to the parlor and told them I had an appointment

artist; what can I do for you today miss y/n

y/n; oh dont be so formal with me ive seen you so many times haha

artist; haha yea but are we doing a big or a small piece today

y/n; mhm both one small one on my wrist and one big one at my thigh

artist; sounds good design ?

y/n; the wrist will be a initial "S.K" and the big piece well you can be creative I trust you enough now

artist; wow thanks haha

he first helped me tattoo the initial one and then moved on to the bigger one


artist; y/n we're done

y/n; excuse me did I fall asleep

artist; yeap haha

I stood up and went to the mirror and saw the tattoo he did on my thigh it was beautiful he did a eagle that was very well done there was a beautiful scenery behind it

artist; it got to your leg im sorry about that but I thought it would look nicer if it was bigger

y/n; no you did good oh my god I love it

artist; thanks haha

I paid for the tattoos and got them wrapped and headed home

y/n; yanagi im back


y/n; huh that's weird

then I walked to the dinning room and saw him sleeping there with food out on the table

y/n; did he fall asleep waiting for me

I stroked the hair of his face it was cute it has been very long since ive seen his cute sleeping face but it looked the same as the first time I saw it

yanagi; huh oh y/n your back I prepared some food for you but it must be cold i'll help you reheat it

but before he could get up I pinned him to the chair and kissed him

he was shocked but his hands soon ended up on my waist

once again the lips which perfectly fit mine met again it had been so long

y/n; lets move to the bed shall we?

yanagi didnt bother to say anything but he picked me up and brought me over to the bedroom

then he threw me onto the bed and started kissing my body

yanagi; you have no idea how much I missed you y/n I was gonna go crazy especially seeing you with another man other than me

y/n; shh lets not talk about that now and becareful of the leg

he smiled as his hands trailed down to my undergarments and his lips trailed up to mine

he gave me a tight squeeze at my ass which cause me to let out a slight moan

well I guess you can see where this is going ;)

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now