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I was studying then I realised y/n was not moving at all so I took a look at her face and she was fast asleep how cute she must have been tired

I picked her up and moved her over to the bed I gave her a kiss before I went back to study shes so adorable when she is sleeping



y/n; ugh I fell asleep?

then I looked over and saw yanagi sleeping soundly beside me there was no school today since it was a weekend and he looks so tired and has dark eye circles under his eyes I felt bad since he still had to carry me to bed although he studying he must be tired I slowly moved his hand to avoid waking him up and then I went to brush my teeth and I figured I should cook some breakfast for him since he might be too tired to go and buy food

so I went out of the house and went to the grocery store and looking around I decided I should make him a ham sandwich and some sausages and eggs since he is too skinny and he should eat more

cashier; alright ma'am your total is $14.20

I paid her and headed back home and started cooking and I even wore a apron a cute pink one I made him a sandwich filled with ham and some vegetables and then I started on cooking the sausages and eggs I learned a bit of cooking from miyamura in the past and hori has been teaching me how to cook recently too

then while I was cooking half way someone's arms wrapped around my waist

y/n; good morning

yanagi; morning babe watchu cooking?

y/n; well I made for you some eggs and bacon and a ham sandwich im almost done you can wait for me at the table

he gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to sit down


I brought mine and yanagi's plate over and placed it on the table I was staring at yanagi while he was eating it

yanagi; mhm this is really good babe

y/n; im glad you like it

yanagi; hey do you want to go on a date later

y/n; dont you have to study?

yanagi; I can do that later girlfriend comes first

I chuckled

y/n; sure

after we were done eating yanagi helped me wash the dishes as I went to shower and prepare I wore light makeup with a nice pink casual dress

yanagi; can I come in now?

y/n; y-yea

then he walked in and his eyes widen

yanagi; you never fail to surprise me babe you look absolutely gorgeous

y/n; thanks *blush*

yanagi; im gonna go take a shower i'll be quick

I nodded and sat on the bed while waiting for yanagi and he came out and he was wearing a hoodie with some denim leggings even though its casual I still think he looks hot or cute either one fits him perfectly

y/n; you look handsome

yanagi; well your gonna be the center of attention still come on lets go

he smiled and took my hand and we walked to a nearby shopping mall and picked a movie to watch it was a scary film and while waiting we went to walk around the shopping mall then

guy; u-uh hey

y/n; yes?

guy; I think your really pretty can I have your number?

y/n; oh sorry I have a boyfriend

guy; oh then its ok

then yanagi came back from the washroom

yanagi; babe who was that

y/n; some guy came up and asked for my number

yanagi; and what did you tell him

y/n; obviously I have a boyfriend

yanagi; good girl

then we went into the movie theater and sat down


during the movie yanagi was so scared it was so cute but when I got scared he still comforted me its so adorable

yanagi; shall we cook dinner together?

y/n; sure

then we went to the grocery store and bought some beef we decided on beef stew with some chicken on the side since we both love meat

yanagi; hey babe can you pass me the sauce over there?

y/n; sure this one?

yanagi; yep thanks

after shopping we went home and I went to change as yanagi started cooking he just took off his hoodie since it was warm even though the air conditioner was on and I got to see a snack before dinner he looked so hot

yanagi; liking what you see?

y/n; n-no *blush*

then he whispered in my ear

yanagi; there's no need to lie my dear

I blushed and lightly punched him while he chuckled then after cooking we set the dinner table and even made a strawberry cheesecake for dessert

yanagi; so how is the food

y/n; you cook really well mhm this is delicious

yanagi; well since my parents aren't home often I just had to learn

oh right I haven't got to meet yanagi's parents yet ive never seen them before must be hard to live alone I cant even imagine what my life would be like if miyamura wasn't in it

yanagi; alright shall we have dessert?

I nodded and smiled then he placed one slice of cheesecake on my side

y/n; aren't you eati- woah

he picked me up and sat me on his lap

yanagi; lets share it hm

y/n; s-sure

getting to feel his body like this felt nice even though he normally slept shirtless

yanagi; ahh

I chuckled and took a bite of the cheesecake he was holding with a fork

y/n; my turn ahh

he ate the cheesecake of the cake and got a bit of cream on his lips before I could think my body reacted and I kissed him helping him get the cream of his lips

y/n; I still cant believe how lucky I am sometimes

yanagi; if anyone is lucky its me

then our lips touched again like its made for each other

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now