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I woke up in the arms of yanagi and whatever happened last night came flashing through my mind

y/n; fuck

then I took a cigarette and lit it up and sat up on the bed while yanagi was still soundly sleeping beside me hugging my waist

y/n; if only you didnt do all that then we wouldn't be in this situation right now *whisper*

I sighed knowing very well that even though we just had sex I didnt do it because of love then sosuke came into my mind

I remembered how he would cuddle with me after sex and we would smoke together and talk about our future together

yanagi; mhm you awake already ?

yanagi's sleepy voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts

yanagi; why dont you sleep more its still early

he said while hugging me tightly and sat up and gave me a kiss on the cheek

y/n; I go back to sleep after I finish this cigarette

yanagi; mhm alright do you want some water?

I nodded and he stood up and got me some water

maybe I will try and fall for him again but I highly doubt that I will forget sosuke easily

the thoughts hit my head that at first I used sosuke to forget yanagi and now Im using yanagi to forget sosuke is this what they call deja vu

y/n; haha that's interesting?

yanagi; what is?

y/n; mhm nothing

he looked at me weird while he came to me and handed me some water

y/n; thanks

yanagi; after your done lets go back to sleep

y/n; mhm alright


well this past few weeks me and yanagi seemed more like a couple then ever we slept together went out together and even showered together now

it was like im falling over him again although I dont want to admit it ive fallen for him not as deep as the first time but I guess I like him and he took over his dads company so now he is a ceo of XXXX company

yanagi; princess im leaving for work ok?

y/n; mhm

yanagi; call me if you need anything

I nodded and smiled while he gave me a kiss on the lips and forehead and left the house while I went back to sleep


I woke up again and sat up on the bed and took a light out and lit it up

y/n; im so sore yanagi was too rough tch that basterd

I said while remembering everything that happened last night along with the pain

y/n; but it feels better than this morning i wonder why

i put my hand to my back and felt a patch looks like yanagi helped me put a relieve patch before he left for work this morning

y/n; hm cute

what everyone said was true yanagi changed he used to look like a nice sweet boy now he looks like a sexy handsome man even his personality changed a lot he became a bad boy but i guess well that comes with being a boss of a ceo

y/n; hm i might go visit him at work today i haven't been able to see him often after he got promoted to ceo

i got up from bed and went to take a shower and change i wore a hoodie and some denim pants and got on my bike and headed to his company


receptionist; u-uhm hello ma'am how may i help you today

y/n; im here to see yanagi

receptionist; do you have a appointment with the ceo ma'am

y/n; i didnt think i would need one

receptionist; hold on ma'am let me check

girl1; look at her wearing such unformal clothes at this big company *whisper*

girl2; i know right like how does she think she is asking for our handsome ceo *whisper*

i rolled my eyes hearing all the chatter about my clothes and appearance

then i saw yanagi walking into the company with him dressed up all proper and nice

i stood there and stared at him till he noticed me

yanagi; darling? why are you here

he came over and hugged me by the waist and giving me a kiss on the cheek

i smirked while looking at everyone in shock

y/n; nothing i just thought i would come visit you since i haven't been able to see you often at home

yanagi; that's sweet of you come on lets go to my office oh mr xxx please help me get 2 cups of americano for me and my girlfriend here

mr xxx; of course sir

i smirk as yanagi led me to the way of his office

we got onto the lift and yanagi pinned me to the wall

yanagi; why is my girlfriend really here

y/n; i told you i missed you is that so wrong of me to miss my fiancé

yanagi; fiancé?

i smirked and took out a ring

yanagi; no way are you gonna propose to me here right now

y/n; hm i dont see a point of a grand proposal as long as we love each other

yanagi; mhm true

then i helped him wear the ring i got for him which was a black stainless steal ring with diamonds on the top and his name engraved there

yanagi; well i have something to give you too

i looked at him in confusion

then he took out a small box in his pocket and opened it which contained a beautiful ring with a light blue stone and diamonds surrounding it

yanagi; i wanted to plan something grand for you but you beat me to it

he said smiling while he helped me wear the ring

yanagi; when i saw this it reminded me of your baby blue eyes which are almost as beautiful as you and i knew i wanted you to have this

i chuckled at his corniness then i wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now