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it has been about a little over 3 weeks since sosuke became my "boyfriend" and as expected all the girls were once again very I mean very jealous and well yanagi keeps avoiding my gaze every time we meet

as for sosuke me and him have been on several dates including going on double and triple or sometimes even quadtriple dates with the others and sosuke has gotten closer with everyone

he surprising gets along well with miyamura and well sosuke has been staying over at my house and I stay over at his now we are like a real couple now but it has not been made official yet

sosuke; hey darling do you need anything

I shook my head

sosuke; alright then im gonna game for abit

i nodded I got used to his cringy nicknames and well now im currently laying on sosuke's bed smoking with him half shirtless playing games then I heard a knock on the door

mrs koki; do you need dinner y/n dear?

y/n; nope its fine thank you mrs koki

mrs koki; alright

I have gotten closer to sosuke and his family as well as he gets along with mine everything seemed great and it seemed I was actually slowly falling for him

I stood up after putting my cigarette out in the ashtray beside his bed and went to wrap my arms around his neck and then he took his head phones out

sosuke; yes is there anything you need darling?

y/n; im bored

I said and pouted

sosuke; then what do you want to do

he asked and he gave me a peck on the cheeks

y/n; could we go for a walk?

sosuke; sure

he said and got up to change although he is a bad boy type but they way he treats me is kind , gentle and sweet to be honest I think he is cute sometimes

sosuke; its cold tonight wear my hoodie

he said while handing me a hoodie with him wearing a matching one but black and mine was white

y/n; thanks

then he grabbed his cigarette and held my hand as we went out

sosuke; mom me and y/n will be going out for a walk we will be back soon

mrs koki; alright have fun and be safe dear

y/n; we will bye mrs koki

I gave her a hug before leaving

then we were now both in the cold yet comforting walkway heading to a nearby park

sosuke; you know sometimes I think you love my mother more than me

y/n; and whoever said I loved you ?

sosuke; well its obvious

y/n; you know I hate you when you act like this

sosuke; oh but you love me

he said while smiling and gave me a peck on my lips

y/n; hey!!

then he ran and I started chasing me then I accidentally bumped into someone

I looked up and saw yanagi

y/n; y-yanagi?

yanagi; y/n ? are you okay?

he said and helped me up

y/n; what are you doing here

yanagi; m-my fiancée lives near here

y/n; oh

then it was awkward silence after that but luckily sosuke came to save me

sosuke; darling!

he ran over and held me

sosuke; are you okay?

I nodded and he saw yanagi his expression changed

sosuke; lets go

then he purposely bumped his shoulder into yanagi as yanagi kept his head low as soon as yanagi was out of sight then I took sosuke's hand off

y/n; why did you have to hit his shoulder

sosuke; seriously ? your still defending him after all this time

y/n; im not but you didnt have to do that it was unnecessary

he rolled his eyes

sosuke; you know what do whatever you want I dont care

he walked away

sosuke; I thought the time we spent together meant something I guess not you still love him even after all this time

I sighed in frustration and headed to the park and sat down on a bench and lit up my cigarette

then a few uncles approached me

uncle1; look who we have here

uncle2; what a pretty girl

then they started getting close one of them was about to touch me I screamed in fear and then someone came and punched them


i came back home and my mom looked at me in confusion

mom; where's y/n?

sosuke; i got into an argument with her


i looked down

sosuke; mom you dont get it she doesnt love me at all

mom; even if she doesnt love you go after her chase her at least you can prove your feelings for her

sosuke; that's what ive been trying to do

mom; girls aren't easy to chase son now go after here its dangerous at night and there have reported rape cases recently

i opened my eyes wide and immediately went out and looked for her she should be at the park since she wasn't on the way home

then when i reached the park i saw y/n hugging a guy crying

i clenched my fist in anger and went over there and punched the guy what made me more pissed was that it was yanagi


then i came back to my senses

then she hit me

y/n; h-how could you leave me alone

sosuke; how could you hug another guy


then my eyes widen but i couldn't do anything i hugged her as she punched me till she fell asleep

yanagi; hey man im sorry

sosuke; thanks for saving her

i bowed and picked her up bridal style and brought her home

mom; what happened?

sosuke; i dont want to talk about it

as i was about to go to the room my mom held my shoulders

mom; if you really love her show it to her with your actions trust me son

sosuke; goodnight mom

i went back in the room and locked the door and put her on the bed and hugged her and fell asleep

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now