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I was about to stand up but yanagi already walked into the class

yanagi; hey babe lets go

he took my hand and dragged me out b-but did he just call me b-babe my face was as red as a tomato

yanagi; hey guys

then he opened the door revealing yuki , ishikawa , remi , sengoku , miyamura and hori-san

ishikawa; a-are you two dating

yanagi; yea we are

I might say it was really awkward everyone was staring but yanagi seemed fine with it and brought me to a table and opened the bento up

yanagi; here

then he fed me a onigiri

y/n; thanks

yanagi; be careful dont speak with food in your mouth

I nodded and I could still feel the stares of everyone which actually started making me feel uncomfortable

yanagi; do want to come over after school?

y/n; sure

then I saw miyamura come and drag yanagi out and hori-san sat in front of me

hori; hey so who confessed first?

y/n; y-yanagi I guess

hori; what do you mean by I guess?

y/n; my brother kind of told him I liked him before I could

hori; oh that idiot but hey at least you guys are dating right?

y/n; yea

hori; you seem really happy about that?

y/n; what do you mean?

hori; your cheeks are all red and flushed

I gasp and cover my cheeks and she laughed maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought

hori; anyways im happy for you if he treats you badly i'll kill him

somehow I felt like she was being serious hori-san is scary

then miyamura and yanagi came back and yanagi's face was pale

y/n; hey are you okay?

I asked and ran over to him then he took my hand and dragged me out again

y/n; where are we going? we haven't even finish lunch yet?

but he ignored everything and just dragged me out to the roof

y/n; what are we doing here yanagi?

yanagi; your brother is scary has miyamura ever been this scary ?

then I hugged him to calm him down abit

y/n; tell me what did he say to you

yanagi; h-he told me if I ever hurt you I will never be able to see the sunlight ever again

y/n; no way my brother really said that?

he nodded and I chuckled

y/n; dont mind him and plus I believe you wont do anything to me

then he leaned in and kissed me oh my god this is my first ever kiss I cant believe it

yanagi; did you know your lips are really soft?

I blushed and looked away

yanagi; oh come on dont be shy

he made me face him and gave me another kiss his mood sure can change fast

yanagi; your so beautiful y/n

y/n; no im not im a gloomy and rude girl I dont even know why you like me

yanagi; well I like you for your personality and plus I think your pretty no matter what you say

my cheeks were getting more red with each sentence he finishes off


thank god I was saved by the bell then yanagi walked me back to the class and gave me a kiss on the LIPS this time before he left everyone in the class gasped I blushed and went back to my seat


I decided I wanted to get a makeover today so I texted yanagi that i'll go over to his house after I was done doing my stuff of course he didnt know what I was doing since I wanted to give him a surprise

I decided that I will be doing my hair and maybe get some new clothes


I got my hair done I cut it a little shorter and dyed the ends of it to a smoky grey

then I headed to yanagi's house

*knock* *knock*

he opened the door rubbing his eyes

y/n; oh did I wake you up

yanagi; no im just tired from studying

then he looked widen his eyes and looked at me


y/n; *chuckle* yes I am silly I just dyed and cut my hair

yanagi; wow I can see your piercings that's a lot

y/n; my brother did it for me

yanagi; well come in its cold outside

mind you it was already night time when I went over to his house

yanagi; are you sleeping over today?

y/n; if you want me too i'll text miyamura

yanagi; of course I would want you to

y/n; alright then i'll text miyamura

I told miyamura I was staying over at yanagi's and he told me no touching and its fine I chuckled at my brother's cuteness

yanagi; so did he say ok?

y/n; yeap

yanagi; yay then how about you go take a nice warm shower i'll give you clothes and a towel

after showering my hair was wet and yanagis sweater and sweatpants were a bit too big for me and I went to lay on the bed while he was still studying

y/n; hey are you gonna keep studying and ignore me

I said while pouting he chuckled

yanagi; im sorry but I have a really important exam coming up and I really need to study

I pouted then stood up and lifted his arm

yanagi; woah what are you doing?

then I went ahead and sat on his lap and put his arms around my waist

y/n; im needy

yanagi; *chuckle* alright then are you comfortable in this position ?

I nodded and hugged him he used one hand to hug me back and the other to write it was so cute honestly I never thought I would have a boyfriend much less have a boyfriend like this afterall since I was younger the only boy who didnt think I was weird was miyamura

thinking of the past made me a little sleepy and before I knew it I fell asleep on yanagis lap

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now