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I woke up the next morning with sosuke beside me although I hand no idea what happened last thing I remember was sosuke hugging me

sosuke; you awake already?

y/n; hm

sosuke; are you still mad?


I just stayed silent but he hugged me tighter

sosuke; im sorry I shouldn't have left you alone yesterday im so sorry

y/n; hm

I just got up and lit up a cigarette

sosuke; please im sorry

y/n; whatever sosuke I dont care

he look down but then he kissed me which made my eyes widen

sosuke; please dont do this to me I know what I did was unforgiveable but please just this once

I sighed and nodded and he smiled happily like a child while hugging me

y/n; gosh your so annoying

sosuke; we need to get ready for school soon

y/n; you go shower first i will go in after i finish

sosuke; ok

he kissed me and went in

y/n; *sigh* what am i doing

i quickly finished up my cigarette and went and joined sosuke in the shower if you are wondering whether me and sosuke have done anything well the answer seems abit obvious since well we're in the shower together

sosuke; did you get ready your uniform yet?

y/n; oh fuck

sosuke; im almost done i will get it for you

y/n; thanks

i smiled and gave him a kiss while i washed my hair

then he stepped out of the shower and dried his hair after he handed me my uniform

sosuke; are you almost done? i will help you dry your hair

y/n; yes give me 5 minutes

after i was done i stepped out in my uniform with my hair wet as i sat down infront of sosuke as he helped me dry my hair while i lit up another cigarette

sosuke; give me one too

i lit on up for him and handed it to him

y/n; you better not burn my hair i swear

sosuke; of course i wont

he said while chuckling


sosuke; mom we're heading to school now see you later

mrs koki; alright be safe bye

we both gave her a hug before leaving

we hoped onto sosuke's bike and went off to school

miyamura; y/n sosuke hey

they did their brotherly thing while i gave hori-san a hug

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now