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it has been a week since that day that I passed out after hearing yanagi got engaged but now im going back to school since I do have to get an education

miyamura; its gonna be fine I promise

y/n; yea im fine ok go to class or you will be late

miyamura kissed my forehead and left

I went back and sat down on my table already wishing I hadn't come today

girl; hey y/n I heard you broke up with yanagi are you dumb

girl2; guess she knew he was too good for her

girl; yea haha but I heard he is engaged and she is a new transfer student here

I rolled my eyes

y/n; can you guys just shut the fuck up your voices are annoying as hell

girl; you little b-

teacher; alright everyone settle down we have a new student today

I could hear the girl in the back click her tongue annoyed as hell pfft

teacher; introduce yourself

??; hi im sosuke koki nice to meet everyone I hope we get along well

I could already here the fangirls going crazy

teacher; nice to meet you sosuke you may take a sit beside y/n . y/n please raise your hand

I rose my hand up but not lifting my head already annoyed at all the girls complaining

sosuke; your really cute

y/n; shut it im not in the mood

sosuke; why not

y/n; just dont annoy me sosuke or whatever your name was

sosuke; you can call me your boyfriend

I rolled my eyes in annoyance but proceeds to ignore everything he is saying gosh but I took a peek at his face and may I say he looked gorgeous

he had black hair with blue streaks and not to mention his baby blue eyes his nose perfectly sharp and his deep jawline he was a work of art no wonder I have heard people saying he might be more handsome than yanagi

sosuke; you know your staring has become quite obvious

I looked away and blushed dammit

sosuke; I guess you can agree that I am hot

y/n; shut it

I said and went to sleep



I opened my arms and stretched out my arms and there were fangirls already swarming around the table

sosuke; awake princess?

I rolled my eyes and stood up going to find miyamura and the rest hoping yanagi wont be there then I heard screaming behind me

I turned around and saw sosuke following me around

sosuke; going somewhere?

y/n; none of your business

sosuke; come on

he said and walked beside me with his arm around my shoulder

y/n; tch annoying

Kawaii Nae A.Yanagi FFWhere stories live. Discover now