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Your neighbourhood consisted of houses on both sides and the majority of them had decorated their yards with flower beds. Time to time todoroki would ask you questions about how his grandmother had been doing, and you being you answered them all. But at the same time it did give you some idea about how their relationship was.

After taking two right and one left turns from the bus stop, you stoped infront of a two storyed traditional Japanese house. It had a small gate along with tall shrubs acting as a natural wall and a small garden of sunflowers in the side of the yard.

"Is this my grandmas place?" Todoroki asked you noticing that you've stopped walking and made a stop.

"Yes" you replied slightly nodding looking at him."OH" said todoroki,bluntly.

His eyes were now fully focused at the house infront of him. Noticing his gaze you poked him softly in the shoulder, signalling him to follow you. You then opened the gate, walked near the front door and rung the doorbell.

"Come here" you said pulling todoroki considerately and placing him infront of the door, making sure that he is the first person that his grandmother would see when she opens the door.

Just then, the door flung open and, here they were facing each other. Both of them were staring at one another, not sure what to say or do. "Shouto" granny gasped,as she placed her hands on her mouth, breaking the silence between the two of them.

"It's been... long grandma" todoroki replied with his voice in a low tone.

"Yes shouto, it has been far too long" she replied, and engulfed shouto in a hug. Breaking their short hug, Granny averted her gaze towards where you were standing and said to you,"Ah, yes y/n! Thank you very much for picking him up"

"Your welcome"you replied back to her,smiling.

"I'll get going now, got to help out dad in his store" you added.

"Well then, see you soon y/n" she replied back grinning at you.
"Same to you Granny" you said. She then grabbed todorokis luggage and headed back inside.

"If you need anything else, feel free to reach out to me anytime. I live close by" you told todoroki pointing towards your house which was opposite to theirs.

"Thank you, I will. bye l/n" said todoroki. Closing the gate, you turned around and headed towards your house and so did todoroki go inside his grandma's place.


As he entered the house, he heard his grandma yelling "I'm up here". Hearing that, he went upstairs and headed towards the room where the door was left opened.

"This is where you'll be sleeping" grandma yua said, looking at todoroki who was standing beside the door. "I'm happy that you could make it this time, freshen up...and tell me what you want to have for dinner?"

"Cold soba" shouto replied. She plainly nodded at him and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare it.

The sun was setting and dinner time had arrived. Shouto walked downstairs, headed towards the kitchen and sat down at table for dinner. The plates were already placed and waited for the noodle to be placed. His grandmother then placed the noodles along with the sauce on the table and sat across him. "Thank you for the food" they both said together and started eating.

The room was filled with an awkward silence."Shouto how are things at your home now?" she asked him, starting a conversation between the both of the

"Dad's asking for forgiveness. Fuyumi and mom seems to be ready to forgive him but Natsuo does not agree, he still holds a grudge against dad for what he did to Touya" he replied and slurped his noodles.

"Is that so?-who knew'd that getting a scar on his face would make him repent and change. I would have given him one myself if I had known sooner" she stated chuckling a little at the end.

"Touya, he did not deserve any of that and neither did you shouto....I'm very sorry, I'm sorry I left you, if only I had stood up to him back then,-then maybe things would have been a bit different" not being able to hold back her tears,she ended up crying.

Shouto stood up from his seat, walked toward his grandmother and started rubbing her back gently. "It's not your fault, grandma" hearing him say that only made it harder for her not to cry. "I'm here with you now" shouto reassured her and embraced her in a tender hug.

"Tha-thank you,shouto" she said in between her sobs hugging him back. "Let's have our dinner now- before it-it gets any colder" she mumbled in between her sobs. As they released each other from the hud, shouto went back to his seat.

"I'll do my utmost best to make you spent a memorable summer" she told him, calming herself from all the crying.

"I will be looking forward to that" he replied back. They both started eating again from where they had left off. The rest of the dinner was lighthearted and filled with shouto's grandma asking him a lot of questions. After dinner, he helped her clean up and headed straight for his room. He immediately laid down on his futon upon reaching inside and slowly drifted off to sleep exhausted from the summer heat and trip.

A/N: yes the gif made me hungry too 😟
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