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T.W : slight mention of drug and abuse.


It was currently 4:30 in the morning as you were heading out for your morning jog. Stepping out of your house you noticed that your neighbour's grandson, Shouto todoroki, was heading out too. Closing the gate , he turned towards the side where you standing, noticing you.

Both of you slowly approached each other, meeting at the centre of the road. "Goodmorning todoroki" you greeted him.

"Goodmorning l/n-san" he greeted you too. "Out for a morning jog?" you questioned him.

"Yes,I am. And your out for a walk too?" he asked. You nodded your head as yes in response to his question, "Do you have any particular destination in mind?" you inquired.

"Not excatly, but I don't plan on walking too far."

"Then want to jog with me?" you asked him enthusiastically. "Only if your okay" you added.

"Sure, why not" he replied back, bluntly. "Okay then. I'll take you to a spot where we can see the view of the sunrise,it's beautiful!" you exclaimed.

"That sounds great" todoroki said, slightly smiling finding your excitement rather cute? The two of you then began your jog heading towards the spot you'd mentioned. The way consisted of different fields, with you occasionally waving at the farmers who were in the field. You and todoroki procceded to cross a shallow stream, surrounded by marigolds and finally trekked up a mountain.

Upon reaching the top, you leaded todoroki towards some bushes and asked him to crawl. He was confused at first, so you had to assure him that it was a secret passage kind of a thing. He was hesitant but nonetheless agreed on it.
"Here we are" you said, happily.

Standing up from his crawling position, todoroki was met with the view of todoroki was met with the view of a beautiful sunrise. Looking at his face lit up seeing the sunrise, it gave you a weird feeling inside your stomach,making you feel all bubbly and fuzzy. Ignoring the sudden rush of feelings, you said to him,"Isn't it beautiful?"

Nodding his head, he looked at you and gave you a small smile. Seeing him smile at you, your face started to hear up.

Trying to avert your gaze from his you nervously said to him,"The sunset is great to watch from here too"

"I'm sure it is" todoroki stated. "Want to head back now?"you questioned him. "Maybe after some time?"he said, admiring the view before him.

"Alright,fine by me" you told him.After 5minutes or so, the both of you decided to head back.

"Good day todoroki"you said, waving your hands at him. "Same to you l/n" he replied, waving his hands at you too.


Later in the evening, todoroki and his grandmother came over to your place, since your mom had invited them over for dinner. Dinner was spent at ease but for you, it was hellish. Your parents would not stop talking about your embarassing childhood days and your younger sister, emiko spent the whole time fawning over todoroki and bombarding him with questions.

And now here you were,in your room alone with todoroki. You had pulled him aside so that he wouldn't have to listen to them any longer.

"Sorry about that, my parents tend to get real friendly" you told him while closing the door behind the both of you.

"It's fine, I don't mind it" he replied back.

"Ah,you can sit down here" you said pointing towards your bed as you went towards it and sat down at the other end. "How's your family like" you asked todoroki, trying to strike a conversation.

He froze for a second before answering your question,his facial expression changed too. "It's complicated" todoroki said.

"Oh...."you took a deep breath and continued,"Todoroki my family was not always like this, my parents would argue a lot due to my dad's drinking habits and sometimes things would get out of hand"

You paused for a second and continued, "During those times Granny Yua would always step in and look after me. I'm ever grateful to her for that. My father was arranged to go to rehab and both of my parents took many therapy sessions for their marriage problems. Later on dad luckily got better and so did my parents relationship,and now here we are!" you explained to him looking down at your legs fidgeting .

"So I want you to know that whatever your family's going through, it'll get better, maybe not right now But slowly and surely it will,And if you want to let out anything I'm all ears" you said, your voice getting quiter.

"L/n, my mom and dad's marriage was solely based on a quirk marriage. And dad he wronged all of my family, he abused my mom to the point where she completely broke down and it was the day I got this scar, the day she poured hot boiling water on my face. Dad is trying to repent,asking everyone of us for forgiveness. And my mom and sister is willing to give him a chance but my elder brother does not think he's worthy of it" todoroki told you.

"And you?" you asked him.

"I don't know, one part of me says yes to forgive him but the other part of me says no, the thought of it makes me angry and I still resent him for all the things that he's done" todoroki said, feeling frustrated.

"Todoroki.... it's okay to be angry and hurt. It does not make you a bad person, and your feelings it makes sense given what you've been through" you said, moving towards him and slowly placing your hands on top of his.

He was startled at your gesture at first, but did not remove your hands nor say anything about it. He found it oddly comforting.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. Nor you, your mom and siblings did not deserve any of those abuse and pain" you told him, emotions starting to bottle up inside of you.

"Thank you l/n,I appreciate your sincerity and concern" todoroki stated, staring into your eyes.

"I meant everything I said, and todoroki please just call me y/n I'm used to that more" you said, flashing him with a warm smile.

"And I don't mind you calling me Shouto too" he replied back to you, returning your smile with his own only little smile.

'Bang' your room door flung open, which startled both you and shouto, causing you to lift your hands from his. Turning around to see who it was, your younger sister was the one who opened the door. "Emiko!knock before you enter!" you semi-shouted at her whilst walking towards her.

"Yea,sorry about that"emiko said ignoring you. "And Shouto, Granny's calling you to go back home" she said to Shouto, giving him a toothy smile.

"Oh-ok Goodnight y/n, see you soon" Shouto said, standing up from where he was, walking out of your room.

"Sure, goodnight Shouto" you told him, he turned back and nodded at you, before heading back down.

Your younger sister gave you a suspicious gaze before walking out of the room, and closing the door behind her. You plopped on your bed thinking about the conversation you just had with shouto while staring at your hands which had held his, and got ready for bed later on.

A/N : Please don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment too thank you <3
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