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The sun was high in the sky and blazing brightly, the breeze was blowing gently across your face, birds were singing and the sounds of the cicadas filled the air. It was a perfect summer afternoon.

You were presently sitting in the bus stop benches, running an errand for your neighbour Granny Yua, who had asked you to kindly pick up his grandson from the bus stop, who was coming from the city to visit her.

It had excatly been a full hour waiting for his bus to arrive and a full hour of you internally cursing yourself for coming this early to wait for him.But, luckily for you, the sound of a bus approaching could be heard from a distance.

As the bus got nearer and nearer towards where you were, it halted at the terminus and one by one people started coming out. Among all of them stepping out of the bus, you spotted a boy with dual hair colour, heterochromic eyes and a burnt scar on the left side of his forehead. 'He looks so much better in person then in the picture which granny showed me' you thought to yourself.

"Todoroki!!" you called out his name slowly approaching towards him."Hello I'm y/n l/n" you introduced yourself bowing down.

"Ah! you must be the person grandmother was talking about, it's nice to finally meet you l/n" he said nonchalantly and bowing down to greet you too.

"Nice to meet ,shall we get going now then?" you said to him not sure what else to say.

"Yes of ofcourse and I'm sorry for troubling you" he replied back.

"No,not at all it's no trouble, I'm happy to help out and especially if it's a request from Granny Yua" you said with a soft smile.

"And is there any luggage that I can help you carry or is it just the suitcase that your holding?"

"There's nothing else, this is the only luggage that I bought. "

"Ah I see if that's the case then I hope your ready to Walk!" you simply said emphasising on the word walk as you spoke.

"Walk?" todoroki asked with a puzzeled time and expression.

"Yes! walk. As you can see I'm not old enough to drive a car yet" you stated your reply a bit dramatically.

"How far do we have to walk? Is grandmother's place far from here?" he inquired sounding a bit worried.

"It will be just a 15 minute long walk you don't have to worry" you replied back with a small chuckle. He left out a small sigh of relief and mouthed an "Oh".

"Shall we get going now todoroki?" you asked him, all ready to start walking to his grandmothers place.

Todoroki gave you a simple nod whislt slightly smiling. Seeing his approval you began to walk towards the direction where your neighbourhood and todorokis grandmother's house was. Carrying his suitcase, he too walked along by your side following you.

A/N: I accidentally published this chapter before sorry T-T
But here's another chapter!
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( edited )

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