Part 9: Misunderstanding

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Tw: Swearing, Mention of Panic Attack

Time Skip 3 months

No one Pov

Y/n is now 5 years old.They have not fully recovered from the 'incident'.They still have nightmares about their parents and new ones about the kidnapping.Tommy is very concerned about Y/n, their nightmares are getting more frequent and now they don't go back to sleep.On a usual night when they get one, they get about 5 hours of sleep.It has been getting worse and worse even more when they find out......

Tommy Pov

Y/n had a nightmare last night and wouldn't leave my side all day.They either cling onto my leg or follow me around.I didn't mind at first but it soon became annoying.They even annoyed me on purpose now.



"Da Da"



"You can't ignore me"I didn't respond then I just said.

"Y/n sweaty could you kindly shut the fuck up,"I said in a calm tone as I continued cleaning up.

"Fuck you,"they said under their breath but I could hear them.

"Excuse me, listen-"I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.Y/n got very scared at the sound.

 Y/n Pov

I heard the doorbell ring.It reminded me of Dream and everything that happened.I quickly clung onto daddy's leg.We walked to the door and Dad opened it.There was a group of people I recognised from dad's pictures and stories.

Puffy Pov

I was at home doing some gardening.I saw someone emerge from the shadows.It was Dream.I immediately ran up to him and hugged him tightly.He looked very injured.He winced as I held him.'Who would do this to my son' I thought.I helped him inside the house.I placed him on the couch and took off his mask.(Of course she knew what he looked like she's his mother)

"What happened to you,"I said as I tended to his wounds.

"Tommy and his family happened,"he replied in a weak voice.I stopped what I was doing and sat there shocked.'They did this to him... wait Tommy's alive..."I thought.

"Wait, Tommy's alive?"I questioned.

"Yes he lives in the snow biome where Techno lives." he replied.I finished cleaning his wounds and I gave him some healing potion.He looked alot better then he put back on his mask.I decided to go get his friends for him.

Sapnap Pov

I was in my house with George when I heard a knock on the door.It was Puffy.I wonder what she wanted.

"Hi,"I greeted her.

"Hi,I have a surprise for you and George, is he here by any chance,"She informed me.

"Yeah he is here, let me go get him,"I told her.I ran to the kitchen first.He was there getting water.

"Hey George we got to go with Puffy, she has a surprise for us,"I explained to him.He just followed me to the door.We followed Puffy to the surprise.I am a bit excited.

Puffy Pov

I led them to my house.I took them inside.This was a surprise on both ends.We walked into the living room to see Dream sitting there.

George Pov

The surprise was Dream.I was ecstatic.I ran up and hugged him.Soon Sapnap joined the hug.We all sat and talked.He told us what he told Puffy.We all sat around him wanting revenge for what they did.We all geared up except Dream Puffy told him to stay and rest.After we were all ready in our netherite armor we were off to the snow biome.

Tommy Pov

I opened the door and immediately stood there shocked.Puffy, George and Sapnap were all in netherite armor and had weapons facing me and Y/n.I held Y/n in my arms they looked like they were having a panic attack.

"Hey, look at me Y/n breath ok, in and out,"I told them.They started to calm down."Baby go to the kitchen and get yourself some water and lay on the couch ok?"they just nodded and ran to the kitchen.I looked back at the people at the door.

"What do you want?"I asked.

"To kill you and your family,"Sapnap said.

"But why?"I asked confused.

"Because you all hurt Dream,"I was very confused.

"Hurt Dream? You see that kid in there, Dream tortured them for an entire day nonstop and they still haven't recovered mentally yet,"I told them all their faces fell.Puffy looked confused while Sapnap and George looked sorry.

"Who are they?"Puffy asked.

"They're my kid,"Everyone was shocked.

"Wait, you had se-"I cut Sapnap off.

"No, why does everyone think that they are adopted."They all said 'oh'.I let them in and told them to take off their armor and drop their weapons because of Y/n.We joined Y/n in the living room then we started talking and catching up.Puffy told me that she was a therapist and could help with both my and Y/n's trauma.......

Sorry for not posting.I was coming up with ideas then got busy taking my vaccine to go to school.Anyway hope you all enjoyed it :)

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