First Therapy

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Henrik's POV

The next day the little ones were with Sean while Grayson was at school and I was at the hospital with Chase. Today was the first occupational therapy soon he'll start physical therapy but that comes after he can try to regain balance again. "Alright Mr. Brody," "oh call me Chase please." "Ok Chase we're gonna start with some hand eye coordination can you try picking up the bottle of water?" Chase nodded and when he tried I'm assuming he saw the bottle close to the other side of the tray so he tried again. He got frustrated so I helped him when the therapist asked me to. "Here Liebling like zhis," I moved my hand to where the bottle was and picked it up. "I've got this," he tried again and got closer. He tried again and again until he finally picked it up. "Yes I did it baby boy I did it!" I smiled, "I'm so proud of you Liebling," they did more tests to see where he was which so far isn't the best but it's better than they expected. They were shocked at his strength they looked at me who was completely unsurprised he worked out before this happened I knew his strength would be the same as it was. "Baby boy how am I doing?" I grabbed his hand, "better zhan zhey zhought you vould be." Chase nodded, "So until then no walking?" "Yes Liebling I know don't you vant to but it's better if you just recover like you're supposed to and I don't vant you saying you recovered and your body gives out on you got it?" He laughed, "yes baby boy I got it." "I'm serious Chase I don't vant you ending up here again it's scary." Chase was shocked, "you haven't called me Chase since we got together." "Because I'm scared for you Chase you've had surgery a couple times before but zhat vas minor zhis vas serious Chase if it happens again ve von't be able to see you possibly anymore." "ok baby boy I promise no more joking it's time to be serious." "zhank you Liebling," he smiled and kissed my hand. "When can I get this IV out of my hand?" "vhen zhey say it's safe Liebling," "I was afraid you'd say that how about I just yank it out?" He laughed I on the other hand wasn't too happy about that rhetorical question. "Nein! Do not rip zhat out or so help me I vill personally shove zhat needle so far up your ass you'll have to have it surgically removed!" He held my hand, "baby boy shh it's ok I wasn't actually gonna do it." "Zhat vasn't funny Chase vhat part of any of zhis is funny to you?" He looked at me, "I'm just trying to lighten the mood baby boy I thought you could use a laugh after of all of this I didn't want you upset." "Yeah vell right now is not zhe time for jokes zhis is a time to be serious not a time to joke around Chase." He just nodded, "I'm sorry baby boy I just wanted to lighten the mood there's so much tension in the air right now." "I know Chase," "what happened to Liebling?" I sighed, "because right now Chase you're making me mad you just zhink all of zhis is a game or some kind of joke vell it's not zhis is reality." "I pissed you off worse than this and you've never called me Chase this much." "Because Chase zhis is vay more serious zhen just a stupid argument ve have had in zhe past." He scoffed. "those were not stupid arguments those were big arguments." "Name vone," "first time I ever got drunk I promised that when I went out with my friends I wouldn't drink and I came home three sheets to the wind or as you say drunker than a skunk that wasn't a stupid argument but we got through because I accidentally mispronounced a word and you burst out laughing we can get through this too baby boy but if I don't joke around this is gonna be a boring recovery and just mess around I don't know how you'll survive without your fun loving soon to be husband." I smiled, damn it he got me I can't lose my favorite person who's fun to be around. "I'm sorry Liebling I shouldn't have gotten mad at you I know you vant to escape zhis I just vant you to know zhis is going to be a hard recovery." "I know baby boy I promise I know I just don't wanna know how hard this recovery will be it will be long but it'll be ok becuase everything will be the same just me being in a wheelchair for awhile that's all oh the kids will love that." I smiled at the idea, "zhey vill be asking to push you around or for rides." He laughed, "that or try to make it the Daytona 500." we both burst out laughing, "zhat vould definitely be Jack-Rabbit or Gray-bear." "Definitely Gray he loves watching that stuff with me Jack is more of a Star Wars kinda little dude." I smiled Jack has always been like Chase with movies when Chase first showed him the movies he was entranced by R2D2 and C-3PO. "He gets it from you Liebling," "yeah but Darth Vader definitely number 1 for life." I fake gasped, "you joined zhe dark side!?" He laughed, "shh I have to they're trying to take our little dude away!" I smiled, "I missed you so much Liebling." "I missed you more baby boy." We laid on the bed and cuddled and soon fell asleep Monday can't come soon enough can it? 

(So this chapter is a little messy and forgive me it's 3:30 in the morning as I write this but I wanted to get this out as I said on  y other story soon I'm gonna make a schedule which I'm still deciding on what days I should update what stories which is only two right now but soon I have a bunch of ideas for some stories but I hope you have an amazing day/night y'all)

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