Henrik's Worst Nightmare

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(TW: Nightmare, Mention of death)

3rd Person POV

Henrik finally got to bed at about midnight due to poor Hailey being sick Chase usually stayed up so Henrik could work on his college work but Chase was so tired from the excitement. Chase wrapped his arms around Henrik, "I've missed this," Henrik was just fast asleep. Chase smiled holding him close and soon fell asleep.

Henrik's dream (Tw: Mention of life threatening injuries and death and severe medical equipment)

Henrik was at home with the little ones, he smiled seeing them play in the backyard-  "Little humans time to go get a bath and get ready it's daddy's birzhday and ve're going out to eat." They all ran to Henrik, except Jack he crawled as his legs were bothering him. "Awe Jack-Rabbit your little legs hurting?" Jack  hid in Henrik's neck when he got a call. "Hallo Liebling zhe kids are excited to see you!" But what he heard wasn't his fiancé's voice, "hello is this Henrik?" "Yes," "you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible your fiancé was in a serious car wreck and is in life threatening condition we don't see him living long." "I'll be zhere right avay!" Henrik hung up and Grayson saw the anger and depression in Henrik's eyes. "Papa what's wrong with dad?" Henrik had to remain calm for the kids, "oh nozhing Gray-Bear I just have to see dad at zhe hospital he hurt himself." Jack pulled Henrik's collar, "no no Jack-Rabbit ve don't pull collars." Henrik called Jackie, "hey what's up?" "I have to see Chase can you vatch zhe kids?" "Of course," Jackie hurried over, as soon as Jackie got there Henrik was gone rushing to the hospital. "I need to see my fiancé!" They took him to see Chase, "Oh mein gott!" He couldn't believe it his worst nightmare come to life. He saw Chase on life support and other machines just to keep him alive as long as possible he rushed over to the bed. "Hallo Liebling please stay alive I need you zhe kids need you especially Grayson I told him you vere here because of an accident at vork." Henrik held Chase's hand tightly, "please hold on Liebling I've almost lost you vonce Liebling I can't lose you again!" All of a sudden there was a flatline. "No zhis can't be happening!" Henrik sobbed, "he didn't deserve zhis!" The hospital had to call Anti as Henrik was in no state to drive himself home. "Hey come on Henrik let's get home you need to be there for the little ones." Henrik nodded, "I can't believe he's actually gone he's not gonna see zhe little vones grow up." They got back and Grayson ran up to Henrik. "Papa! Where's dad?" "Guys can you come over ve need to talk." Jackie gave Jack to Henrik, "guys daddy passed avay, he got into a serious car crash and he vas too hurt to stay alive I'm sorry." Henrik broke down, Jack screamed for his daddy wanting him home. "Papa, I'm upset but you know what at least he's not in pain anymore he's now pain free." Henrik looked up, "Gray-Bear I'm so sorry dad passed avay." Grayson sat down next to Henrik, "papa you couldn't prevent this it was the drunk driver's fault dad wouldn't want you blaming yourself." Henrik broke down more.

Chase's POV

I woke up to Henrik yelling, "I've almost lost you vonce Liebling I can't lose you again!" I gently shake him, "baby boy hey wake up." He started crying and woke up startled, "Chase please come back zhe kids needed you!" I sat up and held him close, "shh shh baby boy it's alright I'm right here." He held me close crying, "please don't die I need you here zhey all need you." I kissed his head, "baby boy no one can get rid of me that easily not in a million years." He sobbed, "promise?" I smiled and held him close, "I promise for all of eternity now if you want, I'll stay up until you fall asleep." "You vould do zhat for me?" I smiled and kissed him, "I always would do that for you." He nodded and we laid back down, "night baby boy I love you," "Ich Liebe Dich too Liebling." He fell asleep but I stayed up, after 6 is when I fell asleep I needed to make sure he wouldn't have anymore nightmares. I know I can't promise I'll live forever but I'll do my damndest to live as long as I can to help Henrik with these little dudes. 

(Hey y'all so I had another version of this but it didn't save when I pressed save but I have a new schedule the same as usual just the new story chapters will be out Wednesday I hope y'all have a great day/night)

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