Surprise Call

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Henrik's POV
I got a call from Sean I picked it up. "Hallo Sean how's Chase doing?" "Um you might want to call Anti and Dark to get the kids." "Vait vhy?" "Chase had another seizure they said it was most likely from a bad dream which is a side effect from induced coma but they said it'll be best for you to be here than me because you're engaged to him." "I'll be zhere as soon as I can." I hung up and immediately called Anti. "Hey Henrik what's up?" "Chase had anozer seizure and I have to go to zhe hospital right avay and I vas-" "Henrik say no more me and Dark will be there right away." "Zhank you," "don't thank us you need to be there for Chase." "Alright I'll get zhem up." "Alright we'll be there in 2 minutes." I gently shook Jack awake. "Jack-Rabbit time to get up." "Why papa?" "Because you and your sisters have to go to Uncle Anti's Daddy needs me at the hospital." "Is he otay papa?" "I don't know but do you vanna help vake up Sally and Hailey?" "Yeah papa," he was still tired by the way he was rubbing his eyes trying not to fall asleep. We went to the girls' room Sally wanted to share a room with Hailey so we let her. Jack went to Hailey's toddler bed. "Sissy wake up pwease." Hailey stirred but didn't wake up he tried to poke her eye to wake her up but I stopped him. "Hey Jack-Rabbit no no zhat hurts you vouldn't vant somevone to do zhat to you vhile you're sleeping vould you?" "No sorry papa sorry sissy." "Good job apologizing to her give me a hug." Jack gave me a hug and he went back to trying to wake Hailey up finally she woke but she was grumpy. "Hey Sally get up ok you have to go to Uncle Anti and Uncle Dark's." She woke up and knew why she was going and she almost started crying. "Hey don't cry scuttlebug daddy is okay I just need to go zhe hospital to see him." "Vhy can't ve go?" She has my accent entirely and she thinks it's funny. "Because I don't vant you getting scared daddy still has zhat tube in his mouth." "Vhy does he have zhat in his mouth papa?" "Because it helps him scuttlebug." "Oh does it hurt him papa?" "No he can't feel it." There was a knock at the door. "Come on that's Uncle Anti and Uncle Dark." Jack wanted carried he had trouble walking down the stairs he was always scared but he's getting better when he was about 3 he would never go up or down and would get terrified when we took him up to bed or when we took him down for anything he would scream and thrash around but now he'll go up the stairs but only if we carry him up or down but that's a big improvement for him. "Papa so Daddy otay you just checking on him?" "Yes Jack-Rabbit." "Otay Papa my doggie I want to take that please?" "Alright Sally can you please help Hailey down the stairs vhile I get Jack his doggie please?" "Yes papa come on Hailey." Sally helped Hailey down the stairs and Jack got his dog. "Ok all set Jack-Rabbit?" "Yes papa I weady." "Alright let's head down the stairs." Anti was there Anti loved the kids especially Jack he's a big kid at heart so of course he loves kids. (PSA Soft Anti is in this book because of Henrik and Chase's kids) Jack went to Anti and laid down on his shoulder and started to fall asleep again. "Bye guys Love you." Hailey and Sally gave me a hug and kiss Jack was asleep so I gave him a kiss on the forehead and gave Anti his blue dog. "Please keep zhis vith him it's vhat Chase got him he's been really attached to it for the past two days and never has it out of sight and if it is he screams." "Alright Henrik we'll make sure he has it in sight say bye guys." "Bye-Bye papa," "Bye-Bye papa love you." "Love you too Sally." Dark whispered to me, "He'll be ok Henrik just be strong when you're in that room let him know you're there and everything ok." "Ok zhanks Dark," "no problem." Once they left I headed to the hospital.

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