Finally Discharged!

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Chase's POV

Well today was the day I guess Anti decided to tell the kids I had to stay longer but that's a lie. I'm actually coming home sooner today they said it would be around 7 P.M. but it's 5:30 right now which if you ask me isn't early but hey what can you do? I'm not complaining either it's gonna be nice to have a change of scenery." Liebling you have to vork vith me." "I'm trying," current situation can't get my shirt on. Why? I'm glad you asked because my fiancé is helping try to get it on. But me oh no I'm not having anyone helping me for the next two or so months. Even though he'll be up my ass 24/7 but I guess I do enjoy the company. Ok I lied I really do enjoy his company and not that way all the time get your heads out of the gutters ya nasty! Nah don't worry I was just messing around with you, but if I had to do the same thing with him every Day it would be spending every minute with him. We wouldn't have to do anything that day just enjoy each other's company we wouldn't even need to talk and I'd be falling in love again all over again I've been doing that for 12 years. "Liebling almost done." I laughed, "baby boy I don't need help with my shirt it would only be my pants that's all." "I just don't vant you stressing yourself and overdoing it." "I know baby boy but I promise I'll be just fine I mainly just need help with anything that involves using my legs." Oh shit I can't have alone time with him  for three months! What's a man got to do? I'm just joking it won't be bad I'll mainly spend time with my amazing family. "Liebling are you ok?" "Huh yeah I'm ok just excited to surprise the kids." Damn I'm zoning out but that's what you do when you're excited to finally go home and see your family. 

*Time skip to when they get home* 

Henrik's POV

I swear this man will be the death of me before we left he tried to stand up and collapsed and he's trying to do it again before I can even get the wheelchair out of the hatch of the expedition. "Liebling please vait," He stood up but his legs gave out on him and rushed over to him catching him. "Baby I'm fine really I've got this," "Liebling please just let me help you I know you don't vant help but zhis is different." "Alright baby boy I'll let you help but only you I don't want the kids under stress to help me." I smiled but sighed, I already know they're gonna help no matter what. "Ok Liebling," I got him in the wheelchair and took him in the kids ran to him. "Hey guys how are you?" Grayson basically knocked me and Chase over when he saw we were home. "I love you too Gray." He just sobbed into Chase's chest, "I missed you dad more than you could even imagine." Chase just looked at me, I've never seen this side of Grayson before and neither has Chase. "I love you so much dad," Chase kissed his head. "Hey Gray it's ok really I promise I'm ok before you know it I'm gonna be outside with you again running and playing baseball and teaching you four and when the baby gets old enough them too how to play and we can even play football." (American football sorry y'all) Grayson nodded and just cried. Chase whispered to me, "put him on my lap baby boy." "Are you sure?" He nodded and I set him on his lap and he soon fell asleep. "He's always gonna be my boy no matter how old he is." I nodded and gently went to pick him up. "Here baby boy I'll take him to bed." I smiled and watched as Chase wheel to Grayson's room with him in his lap. "Papa! Papa! Daddy's home! Daddy's home!" I smiled and picked Jack up. "Yes he is Jack-Rabbit," "Play, play, play!" I kissed his head, "If daddy is up to it and I'll help him out of his vheelchair." "Do you mean his Death star papa?" I laughed a bit he really loves Star Wars. "Yes Jack-Rabbit you're vight it's like zhe death star." "Yeah!" Chase came back out, "Alright Gray is in bed covered up and safe." I smiled and leaned over kissing him, "Zhank you Liebling." "You're welcome you know only three months and I'll be taller again," He burst out laughing and I gently slapped him. "Oh! Shush," he just laughed harder, "that was funny you can't deny that." I smiled and nodded, "alright you're right zhat vas funny." Jack smiled, "you guys silly," "yes we are Jack-Jack we all are but guess what that's ok because no one is the definition of normal." I smiled he always made the kids felt like they were like everyone and even when they got picked on he always made them laugh and like they belong. "Jack-Jack I heard you wanna play what would you like to do?" "Play Star Wars!" "The video game or make believe don't forget you also have the board game."  Soon Jack got decision paralysis he couldn't just choose one I think Chase may have forgot Jack has a hard time deciding but Jack started getting overwhelmed. "Here Jack-Rabbit how about you play zhe video game." Jack nodded but clung to me, "stay," I nodded and sat on the couch and held Jack while Chase soon came over and held my hand. "We'll be alright babe I promise once the new little one is here they'll have awesome older brothers and sisters." I smiled and kissed him, "yuck no kissing daddy papa you get cooties!" Chase of course burst out laughing I tried not to laugh. "It's not funny," "Yes it is baby boy come on you know for a fact it is I see you're about to laugh." I just started laughing, I'm pretty sure Grayson taught him that. "Jack-Rabbit?" "Yeah?" "Do you vant to show daddy vhat you made?" He gasped and ran off, "what is it?" "You'll have to see Liebling soon it'll be bedtime for zhese zhree." Jack came running back out, "it's here!" He made him a card and he used his birthday money to get Chase a new Nerf gun and before you ask I offered to pay for it but he was determined to buy it himself . "Open it!" He nodded opening it. "Whoa! Thanks Jack-Jack," Jack giggled and started stimming, "first what we'll do when I can run again is Nerf War!" "Yeah!" I smiled and got up and put the girls to bed I'll have to thank Anti for feeding the kids. Jack has a special night routine that he has done and created when he was 3 it was get a bath, brush his teeth, play for a bit, read him a bedtime story and we sing a song we did that one night to help him sleep and that's been his routine ever since.  "Liebling can you get Jack ready for his bedtime please?" Chase nodded and got him ready, "Baby do you want me to give him a bath?" I froze when he said that and thought of everything that could possibly happen. "Baby boy?" "Uh hold on Liebling," I got the girls to bed and went back to the living room. "If you feel like you can do it Zhen you can but I vill be on standby." He sighed but nodded, "I'm sorry Liebling but I don't vant you hurt." He nodded, "I know baby boy I can't wait to get out of this thing." I sat by him, "I know Liebling but it'll only be zhree months and you'll be out." "Daddy bath?" Jack knew what time it was and he realized it's his bath time. "Baby boy put on my lap." I nodded and sat Jack in Chase's lap. "Ride?" "Ja Jack-Rabbit a ride," We went and got him his bathroom I had to help Chase get situated. "Thanks baby boy," I smiled and just stood in the doorframe after. After his bath Jack decided to run around the house naked I don't recall this being part of bedtime. Well time to try to run, (How's exactly do you plan for that to work Henrik) I have to chase this 5 year old energetic boy around a big house. I soon catch him after a good 5 minutes. "Jack-Rabbit ve can't do zhat papa can't run after you right now." "But papa I don't wanna wear those pajamas itchy." I noticed I got the wrong  ones these ones were supposed to go to the donation pile. "I'm sorry Jack-Rabbit I didn't realize I grabbed an itchy pair I'll be right back." I smiled and got him a new pair, I came back and got him dressed. "Here I have an idea for him to enjoy brushing his teeth." "Vhat?" "I put him on my lap and do osme tricks in this Death Star and he'll be distracted." I smiled and nodded, it's always been a hard time to get Jack to want to brush his teeth he's always fought us but we didn't mind he's not spoiled and we always make sure he doesn't do anything bad if he hits us we redirect him he gets upset and he has a hard time telling us his emotions he's not violent he's just frustrated because he can't exactly express how he feels and, we as his parents understand that we don't use discipline because with him being autistic his doctor said he doesn't understand what he did wrong so what's best is redirection. I can't tell you how many times that poor boy gets told he's just a spoiled brat or won't succeed in life because he's autistic. I see a very intelligent boy who understand more than me and his dad do he figured out how to turn the tv on at 9 months old our other kids they didn't know how to turn it on until around 1. Yes he's behind on some things but he is ahead of most kids his age on most things. When he gets excited about something he hyper fixates on it and we love when he tells us what they did in class he's very excited but when he talks abut Star Wars he's know every fleet there is known and he notices very small details anyone else could miss. So yes one of my children is autistic but do I care no because he will always be like everyone else but he'll see the world differently. Anyway sorry about the rant but sometimes people make me mad but besides that we finished brushing his teeth and after one little accident he moved and I accidentally gagged him but I didn't mean to he just let me continue we got him into bed read his favorite story which is 'Goodnight, Darth Vader' and we sang him 'I can only imagine' Chase has sang that to all of our kids since Grayson was born I loved how he sang it to them they always smiled I remember Grayson when he first smiled but that's another story for another time. But he soon fell asleep and I helped Chase get ready for bed, help him into bed, got myself ready for bed and we both soon cuddled until we fell asleep. 

(Hey what's up y'all I'm sorry for Henrik's little rant but I know how hard it is to help raise a child with Autism while also having ASD myself and I know that me and my partner might have more than one child with ASD and that's just fine, but the amount of people that think ASD children is just made up and just think oh hey they're acting up it's a spoiled brat is ridiculous society needs to stop thinking everyone is "normal" anyway I hope you have a good day or night) 

Chase Please Come Back- Schneeplebro AUWhere stories live. Discover now