The Call

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(A/N I got the inspiration from the song forever and Always by Parachute and since this is an AU Chase and Henrik have been together since high school.)

Chase and Henrik were together for about 8 years officially and 12 years unofficially Chase asked Henrik to marry him in December he said yes. The wedding was set for July. Henrik was playing with their four kids hoping Chase would be home soon when he got a call, "Hallo?" "is this Henrik?" "yes, " "you need to get to the hospital your fiancé was just brought in he was in a bad car accident." Henrik's heart sank, "I'll be zhere right avay, " he hung up and instantly called Jackie, "Hey Henrik what's up," "Chase vas in a bad car accident and I need to get to zhe hospital but I need you and Marvin to vatch zhe kids if you can please." "Oh My God, of course, bring them here right away." "zhank you, " "you don't have to thank us, " Henrik got the kids in the expedition and sped off to Marvin and Jackie's, "bye guys Papa will be back." Henrik ran out to the expedition and sped to the hospital he walked into the hospital and went to the front desk, "are you, Henrik?" "yes how is he?" "come with us." they walked him down the corridors. "here he is, " Henrik was terrified to see his fiancé in a hospital bed his worst nightmare. "vhat happened?" "he was involved in a drunk driving accident when the drunk driver hit him he hydroplaned and flipped his car over the barrier on the highway and was trapped in the upside-down vehicle when the paramedics got there he was unresponsive after about an hour they said he was finally responsive, you can go in and see him if you would like, " Henrik nodded the only thing he could do.

(A/N the first chapter of my first story is out also don't @ me for punctuation I'm tired)

Chase Please Come Back- Schneeplebro AUWhere stories live. Discover now