The Worry

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Henrik's POV
I walked into the room to see my fiancé laying helpless. I warned him about the highway but he assured me he was fine. "baby boy you're here." he gave me that nickname when we first started dating. "of course I came Liebling." he gave me that smile he always does when I'm having a bad day or when he comes up with a bad idea. "where are the kids ya didn't bring them did ya?" "no zheir vith Marvin and Jackie, " "good I don't want them to see their dad like this." "Liebling vhat happened?" "let's not talk about that right now, how was your day with the kids?" "It vas good zhey kept asking vhere you vere, " "and what did you tell them?" I hope he makes it I know he's trying to get my mind off of where we are. "zhat you vere at vork." "I bet they were mad I was at work huh?" "yeah, zhey vere mad zhey said zhey vanted to make sure you ok." "That's why you kept calling me weren't ya?" "Yes," "baby boy I'll always be ok I promise I'll be home soon." That line he always told me when he got off early or late but I don't think he'll be home soon this time. "Liebling I don't vant to lose you." I held onto him, not like I could hug him properly," You won't baby boy I promise I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here." "zhe kids vanted to come but I said no zhey vere really mad." "baby boy I'm glad you told them no, they probably would get scared and I don't want them to be." I was terrified what if I kept them from the opportunity to say bye or love you to their dad. "I know but vhat if ve lose you zhey vouldn't be able to say bye or love you." "Alright, baby boy how about you call Jackie and tell him to bring the kids and if you want you can call the others even Seàn and let them know what's going on, " "alright I'll be right back," "I can't go anywhere I mean, I can try but I might get tangled up in about a thousand cords," he still has the same spirit even in the hospital I go out and call Jackie, "hey Hen how's he doing," "he's still himself but he vants to see zhe kids." "Ok, I'll bring them right away," "zhank you." I went back in to see him smiling I don't know how he can still smile.

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