7 - First Meal of the Day

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Petrified, stunned and shocked to the core rolled in one single emotion, called fear. And astonishment. And fear. Did I say fear? Yes, bone-chilling fear.

Fear for my life, fear for my sanity, and fear for my purity. The last one's the one I'm scared of losing the most.

To think I'm straddled in this boy's lap, and not just any other boy. This boy is the king and I am sitting astride his lap. Oh please God spare me.

In all my years of living this is by far the closest I've gone to in being physical with a man. I cannot reiterate it any more than my messed up brain can conjure that this boy, this man is the king.

And my weight is crushing him down. The king. How unfortunate for him and for me. Especially for me.

He's grunting and growling like a wounded animal. His hands are both on my hips, guiding my movements in my lower region. His breath is ragged, and he's losing strength due to too much exertion.

Too many things are happening at once and I don't know what feelings to deal with first. Should I listen to my panic-stricken mind, or to the wild pounding of my heart? I'm so confused.

In the blink of an eye his full lips are on mine, eating my lips as if it's his breakfast. He's kissing me, the king is kissing me and my ignorance is showing. I can't keep up with him. His lips are rough and hard on mine, coaxing my own to follow his lead but I just can't. He seems like a man both hungry and thirsty and he's feeding off of me.

I was a moaning mess, whimpering and gasping for air. My hands are pushing the boy's hard chest, to stop him but my force is only put in vain as I can't budge him. I really need to breathe.

"M-my king, p-please", I breathed when he let go of my lips for a second, and then he's back on kissing me roughly, fervently. He put my hands in his neck for balance, for my body feels like jelly.

His large hands are all over my body, squeezing my softness. I cringe to imagine how my fats probably feels to him, if he's repulsed or disgusted by my body.

He found my breasts, but unlike his lips, he fondled the pair gently, like taming a wounded kitten. I jolted, scrambled away from his hold.

It's too much. I feel too much.

He growled. I was embracing my body as if my flabby arms can protect me from the king's assault. He's stalking me while I'm moving backwards, until I can no longer escape him inside his chamber.

I was trembling, from fear of the unknown emotions he is evoking from me.

I moved my head sideways, looking for something, a weapon perhaps that could protect me. My eyes landed on the grandfather clock on the wall, it's still six in the morning and here I am fighting for I don't know what.

"Do you really think you can escape from me, huh? Don't think for one second that you can, because I won't let you. If you like this chase, then so do I. I won't mind running after you, baby. After all, you are in my chamber, are you not?", he drawled under his breath, stance so intimidating and authoritative. His corded muscles and rippled flesh of his body screams power and dominance.

" P-please forgive me, m-my k-king. I-I am not worthy of y-your mercy b-but I beg of y-you, d-don't kill me please. P-please. I'll do anything you ask of me. I-I will serve you all my l-life, just please, f-forgive me my king", I pleaded for my life, tears running down my face.


My lips are still tingling from the kiss we shared. As much as I want to finish what we started, I can sense she does not know how to kiss. And my ego is floating on air. I will be teaching this delicious woman how to pleasure a man, how to pleasure me.

I. Can't. Wait.

She's crying, inconsolably. But I can't show her my interest just yet. What I did was just barely scratching the surface of roller-coaster emotions this woman makes me feel.

I am a master of  masking emotions when the need arises. This is one of those moments.

I crouched down, as the old woman knelt before me. I held her chin to look at me. I don't like it when she averts her eyes away from me.

She has black orbs, nothing extraordinary. But what I can't shake is the underlying loneliness in their depths, calling to me for salvation.

Can I save her? I can but I won't. I would ruin her, that's for sure. I feel my cock hardening even more.

"Tell me, don't you fear me? I can do all those things to you, and more. Oh what I can do to you, woman...", I stilled, looking deeply into her wet face. I bet some other parts of her are wet, too. I'm shivering in anticipation.

"Stop your crying, woman. From now on, you will serve me hand and foot. Wherever I go, you will be with me. No questions asked. Show here everyday at 5. You'll be given my schedule and I expect you to obey me, your king all the damn time. Are we clear?"

She hesitated for a moment, before she nod her head and gave me her affirmation.

I stood up, satisfied with the outcome of    this negotiation.

"Get me a shirt. And prepare my breakfast before I eat something other than food", I ordered her, licking my lips, thinking of something raw, something delicious, that's not food.

She sauntered into my closet. And after handing me my shirt, she proceeded to get my first meal of the day.

Well, I stand corrected. I already had my first meal of the day earlier. And it's most satisfactory I'd like to have it everyday.

Oh yes. Everyday it is.

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