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"Baby, wake up now. Don't make me wait a little longer." I hear somebody whisper into my ear. Wake up? I thought I was....somewhere, but not in bed. I forced my eyelids to open and the familiar ceiling of a bedroom greeted my blurry sight.

"Maybe I should kiss you, aye?" Cold, soft lips attached to mine for a short while until a pair of orbs looked up and found mine already waking up.

"Oh gods, finally! What happened to you, baby? Tell me. Is there something you feel? Anything you need?", the handsome guy asked quickly.

My throat felt parched up. "Water..please." Even my voice sounded strained.

Two glasses of crystal liquid later I was strengthened up and felt a lot better than when I woke up. Looking at the man before me questions flowed out of my mouth.

"Did you bring me here, your Majesty? What happened?" I was still confused.

"You tell me. Don't you remember anything?" There was venom in his words, but I could feel he was being careful in showing it in his voice.

I dug up my memory slowly to let it all sink in for me to understand. "I remembered running around the forest, craving for the woods. Then I found my way through thick ferns somewhere in there and I decided to play hide and seek....with you. I know it was silly, but I wanted to do it because it felt fun to do." I know I was blushing and pouting, feeling embarrassed for my actions.

"Hide and seek? But you were unconscious when I found you. Something must have triggered it. Tell me now, before I found it out myself." A warning. There was an absolute warning there. For what? For who?

"Yes, I apologize Niko. It was an animal from out of nowhere, a bear. I was scared to death so I ran as fast as I could but it was so huge it chased me until I felt faint. The last thing I remembered was the sound of growling before I passed out in the lake."

"Are you telling me the complete truth?", the king asked and I hate that it hurt me. I was surprised to feel this way. Maybe this is still brought by my pregnancy... maybe.

"I am telling you the truth, my king. I wouldn't want to lie to you or fabricate stories. I...I..." I can't even finish it. I was scared and anxious and all these mixed-up emotions finally caught up to me my tears fell like waterfalls from my eyes.

I sobbed like a baby for the first time in months. My child must have felt my pain because my tummy ached, like a prick of a needle. I kept it to myself and continued wiping the seemingly endless stream of tears on my face.

With a sigh, Niko hugged me tight. I felt him kiss my hair and murmur words of apology, well, sort of. "I'm just worried. You're pregnant with my heir. I don't want something bad to happen to both of you. You are safe now. Come on, you should rest more."

I said nothing and just let him guide me to bed, laying beside me when he was done situating me properly. After a moment, sleep consumed me and I felt his arm on my waist tight and possessive.


When I woke up again, Niko's side of the bed was empty. Well, I understand that he is a king. He has duties to do even when he is away from his kingdom. I thought nothing of it and slowly made my way out of the soft temptation that was the bed. Heavens, I just want to sleep forever if I can. I guess this is part of my pregnancy. But my growing baby needs food. Right on cue, my stomach growled, signaling me to push my ass out of the room.

I found a shirtless man in the kitchen, hair disheveled, with bared feet prancing to and fro, preparing what I see as a feast for royals. The amount of food I see is so extravagant and so delicious my gums ached to taste it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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