14 - Hot Resistance

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for @ashleycort, thank u babe


Out of breath, the king laid beside me. I was panting too and took me a minute or two to calm my erratic breathing. My eyes wanted to close itself so bad but my body and my mind for once united as I lay my heavy body beside a hard one.

I switched my position into a more comfortable one. I faced the wall and my naked back was against the king. I felt self-conscious again that I tugged my blanket and covered my whole body. I hid under the fabric, thinking the guilt and shame would go away. I heard the king chuckled.

"Ah, baby. You really amaze me. There's no one like you."

I remained under the blanket, not wanting to see his proud smile in the dark. His pearly whites would glow, I imagine. I felt him move. Then an arm wrapped in my middle, tugging me towards a hard wall of muscles.

I realized that the king is spooning me. My back to his front. Cuddling me. This boy behind me is no ordinary person. I shivered to think how lowly I am next to him.

Sitting up suddenly and clutching the blanket to my chin, I faced the king. I knelt down beside him and bowed my head.

"Your majesty, p-please allow me to speak my mind just this once. I don't know what you see in m-m-me, but I- please l-let this be the last time w-we do t-this-"

"This? What are we doing, flower? Say it. I dare you to say it." He cut me off yet again with his challenging questions. His voice in a loud whisper.

The king sat up and faced me. I am frightened with his dominating presence but if I wish to continue living peacefully then I should be firm with my decision. This is my life. I choose what to do.

"T-This." I hate my stutter, but I continue. "L-Look at us, here in the dark. Hiding. You, the king of Romanovia and I, your maid. Nothing in this is right from the beginning. I-I don't know what you want with me and clearly what y-you said a while back about me being the m-m-mother of your children is  ridiculous and impossible."

He said nothing. The quiet was deafening. Yet I let the silence stretch and patiently wait for the king to say something. This is it. I can finally have my freedom back.

"Ridiculous and impossible, huh?"

I looked up at him when I heard the merriment in his voice. His mouth stretched into a small smile then into a full teeth smile and eventually turned into a full-blown, stomach-clenching laugh. He's at it again with his mockery..

"What do you take me for, flower? And did you ever notice me wear a condom? Well, surprise surprise. I did not and will not use rubber when it comes to your pussy. You are the one that's ridiculous and impossible. But that's your allure to me and I like it. A lot." Then he grinned, the kind that gives you chills for some uncanny reason.

What he said about not using protection scared me to death yet the thought of finally having my own babies thrilled me. Can I be a good mother? My future looks uncertain now.

I started to protest again but interruption arrived. The other maids were now outside the common room of our quarters. Their excited voices are audible now. I'm glad more than ever that we have separate rooms in here.

We looked at each other. The king smiled, amused while I felt my skin prickling with anxiety.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Cami darling, are you in there? A handsome boy is outside. He said you seemed in distress when he last spoke with you. He just wanted to check if your alright. Darling, come out please. I want to see you too." Miss Amelia knocked three times more before I found my voice.

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