4• kissed and hissed [2] SHOCKED

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After that encounter with Khalid in the library, Flora never showed up in school. Khalid couldn't bear it.

Several times he forced the sister, Ariel and her brothers to tell flora to get back to school but she wouldn't.

The term was already getting to an end and he needed her to pass the exam and come over to sophomore at least a year behind him, since him and his twin will be transferred to final year. He needed her badly to come and learn.

Soon it began to prick his heart each time he hears students whisper in hush tones, saying it was because of the insult he have her for forcing herself on him to kiss her.

It was all a lie.

She was innocent.

He was the one who forcefully kissed her. And now, it became clear to him.

She was avoiding him.

He had hurt her with his words. He didn't mean to be that harsh to her. He went to the library and sat on that particular chair that she sat. He recalled memories of the kiss. It was a very sweet moment for him. He had never kissed anyone before. She was actually his first likewise him to her. He detested women, reasons best known to him. But she was the only one that made him suddenly have the urge to kiss her and do wonders on her body.

Then he came to the memory of what happened after the kiss. He had kissed and also said, 'look, just pretend. It's a mistake,not like am attracted to you, just an urge that came too sudden. Hope it makes you sleep at night'. It was a lie for the part that the urge came too sudden, but to deny the fact that he was not attracted to her was another lie. He doesn't need body shape and all that to be attracted, after all Vetra was  endowed no doubt.
And that bitch, she came right after the kiss to seduced him which he dismissed her coldly. He sure knows she's after him, not his brother.

Today was the day to register for the exam, his yet to see Flora. Something in his instincts told him she will be here,but it's almost 10:00am and she's nowhere to be seen.


Flora studied the Dictionary Khalid had given to her. She learnt new words and their meanings. She practically studied it from letter A - Z. She had collected Delight's English textbook and note and read fervently. She really improved her vocabulary and could speak correct English now very good and fine. With the knowledge of English, she studied other subjects and understood and meanings of each word. She had worked very hard for exam coming up. She covered up their scheme of work through her brother's notes and textbooks.

That day she had gone  home, her Mom got a job to work as a cleaner in a big hospital. She was highly paid. They were able to eat good food and eat properly. Some of the money her Mom got was used to build a sizeable carpenter shop for her father since he wanted to venter in that business.

After reading for hours, she would go to help her mother while she returns home to cook. Flora didn't know how to cook.
Her Mom had gotten her a new set of school uniform, shoes and bag since hers was spoilt.

As if the English had effect on her, she started becoming open with her brothers and sister, at times she plays with them till nightfall.

Just like Khalid had told her, 'she sure needed English in her life.'

Her siblings had told her that tomorrow was the day to register for the exam and as usual, she had go to and sign and write her name on the attendance list of students for the exam. Having no iron both electrical and charcoal, tho her Mom had promised to buy one. She had washed her uniform and spread it without squeezing it.

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The next morning, she woke up prayed before starting with her hair, she washed her red hair with lots of shampoo her mum bought for her and Ariel. The boys had theirs. She washed it till it was very soft and silky 'like Khalid's'. Her sister had helped to comb it very smooth and packed it in loose buns. She wore her uniform and sandal with white long hosts. The skirt stopped above her knee and she complained to her Mom who asked her to manage it, but  her siblings  had told her "it's cute Flora" and she readily believed them.

When they reached the school premises, Flora  had rushed to the principal's office who was surprised to see her.

"Good morning Mrs Ann" she said.

The principal was a woman who knew all about Flora, her siblings and parents. She was greatly concerned for Flora and had also notified the English teacher to make sure Flora understands before she moves to next topic.

"Good morning Flora, how are you?" Expecting to hear her hesitate and contemplate whether the English was correct in her head before replying, but was stunned of her response.

"Am good Ma'ma, how about you?"

She was dumbfounded. She was confused if she was the Flora she knew, even her dressing was different despite being slightly rumpled. So she tried to clear her curiosity.

"Flora Blackburn? Is that you?" She asked chuckling.

"Yes Ma'ma" Flora relied laughing, she has always being free with her.

"What really happened, I mean you've...you've changed" she said honestly.

"It's a long story Ma'ma" she told her about her Mom's new job and being mocked affected her socially and psychologically, so she had to change.

"I tutored myself" she left the part of Khalid and kisses that lead to her long absence.

"Am so happy for you, I  never knew self tutoring could transform like this" Mrs Ann the principal noted happily.

They talked until it was 11:00an for lunch. She went to the cafeteria to collect snacks for lunch, for the first time.


"It's that red mouthed monkey"

"Hush! Maybe another red head but cute girl"

"No, its Flora Blackburn"

Khalid heard noise from the school cafeteria. He glanced outside the window to see Flora, he felt his eyes were playing tricks on him. He rushed down to cafeteria. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the hallway. And immediately let loose of her hands and attacked her mouth. His kisses were spell on her. He kissed her ravenously like she was an ice cream cone.Flora was still savouring the moment with closed eyes since she couldn't kiss back. When it snapped at her of his words last time, it was too late, he had beat her to it.

"Next time, don't apply lip gloss, it makes you more uglier than you were" and his hissed and left, leaving her dazed.

A/N: Hi! Lovelies, am sorry for keeping you guys waiting, but am back now, I need your active participation by voting and commenting...shares are available too♥.


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