Chapter 1

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You might have heard couple times from Kayla and some of others dragons mentioning about a bond between a child and a dragon.

There was this legend that based on true story about a child and a dragon bonding over thousands years ago.

A young child, a boy. Who lives in the village, he has family, friends and those kinda he did for fun. Till one day at night he sneak out of house and went to somewhere far from village.

He wonder around the place, lost, cold, dark night, full with trees everywhere. He couldn't find the village on the way back. Till he see glowing cave inside. Some like color red, with werid shape of head of shadow. Opening the mouth looking like angry.

He soon turn chilling with fear. He walk to the cave and soon see large dragon, couldn't see the dragon well. But he can tell it was big. The tail was bit long, the height is almost close yo the cave like it can fit in there.

The dragon growls and the head soon move close to the boy. The anger and fear child. The eye look angry but soon stop when see the boy look about to cry. The dragon soon huff and turn away and pushed him back by his tail softly. The boy noticed the dragon didn't hurt him.

Next day, the boy went back to the cave to see the dragon again, but soon he noticed... the dragon wasn't there. But soon then a dragon appears behind him as he noticed and can feel the sound and know it the dragon again. He soon turn and see big red dragon. A Firefuries dragon.

He soon to panic but soon clam down. He soon place his hand up to the air, waiting for the dragon to accept him. But the dragon glare angry and soon take off.

A boy kept returning over and over and many time when dragon rejected over and over for a year till dragon soon accept a boy, he soon place his head to a boy's hand. He blow his nose with the air as boy can feel and smile.

They both finally trusted eachother, and learn how to ride. They became suddenly best friend ever since. A dragon can be angry, mad, hated but deep inside, he could be sweet, lovable, and everything. A boy know that.

But one day, something went worng, the dragon soon to have problems inside of the dragon. He and many ( as it mean billions of dragons ) flew over to every villages and burned everything down. Even the boy's village.

The dragon tried his best to stop the dragons but didn't. A boy suddenly became not believed him. So he pushed the dragon away. Which it anger the dragon. Believe huamns cannot be trusted anymore, same thing.

A dragon and rest of dragons left. Those Vikings, well.. some has survived. Many of them have to rebuild. Same with Huttsgalor.

Many know what happen to a boy, but wonder what happen to the dragon. Same with a boy.

A child and the dragon

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