Chapter 8

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Next day, dragons went to love island, Aggro, Burple, and Winger go there anyway. Leyla wasn't in the roost as they don't know where Leyla is. Dak is with Kayla down to Huttsgalor to talk.

Dak: you don't know where Leyla is?

Kayla: yea, I don't know... last time we seen her is last night before she headed to room to sleep... I wonder where she went...I'm sure she is fine, she has to be right?

They both nodded.

Dak:.. I noticed Winger is getting nervous around Leyla and me... I heard him talking about us growing up, changing our body... he worried that Rescue Riders is gonna end someday...

Kayla: I wish that not true but... it depends if they found their mate or not...

Leyla soon show up walking to them.

Dak: oh, hey Leyla, where have you been?

Leyla: I left early in the morning, just wanna to walk alone to give myself break for while before I came back.

Dak: oh, so your on break?

She nodded and smile.

Leyla: yea, and now I felt... relax and clam... till someone will ask for help.

They smile and giggles little.

Leyla: so, what now?

Dak: I don't know... but we can fix things up in roost before they came...

Kayla: that's probably good idea...

Leyla: oh and, how's your job doing being blacksmith?

Kayla: well, if i ace it before Academy starts... I will become official blacksmith... and finish Academy too..

They stood up and went to roost to clean up in dragon cave and in the roost. They sweep, mop, clean, and everything even in dragon cave. They been cleaning up for while till Jacob show up front of the roost. He knocks on the door as Dak show up.

Dak: hey... can I help you?

Jacob: yea, I have Questions... have you seen my dragon name Purple, she is rockspitter.

Dak: oh... no I haven't seen her around and we haven't met her yet... but I think she did met Burple, our dragon friend who happens to be Rockspitter?

Jacob: oh yea, she told me about him... he seem interesting...

Dak: so, if that her... I guess that her, he talking about, for little... heard she likes pranks and others..

Jacob: yea, I'm really sorry about her actions, I told her that she can't do that in love island...

Dak: yea, no worries... so, when last time you seen her?

Jacob: two days ago at night, then she leaves next morning at early before i woke up for go to love island, then at night, she didn't return even this morning...

Dak: she might have found her mate...

Jacob: I don't think so, she isn't interested finding mate but, more fouce cheerimg Burple up.

Dak: come again?

Jacob: she noticed that Burple look depressed, sad and upset. They brig talk while and telling eachother about how they felt and everything also, she has feelings that Burple could be her brother because he kinda sound like her mom and has her mom's smile.

Dak: ok.... That's sound new.

Jacob: me too..

Jacob shrugged.

Dak:... mmm. Ok, let's wait for 24 hours and if our dragons friends came, we can go out and find her and check if she in Love Island or not... and depending if she has mate. If she haven't came back, let me know and my sisters, I will let them know. Your name?

Jacob: Jacob, thank for helping...

Dak: no problem, this is what Rescue riders do.

They both nodded and Jacob left the roost. Dak close the door and walk to Kayla and Leyla.

Leyla: who's that?

Dak: the boy name Jacob, also, he has dragon friend who went to Love Island but never came back since two days ago.

Leyla: found the mate I guess?

Dak: he said she wasn't interested finding mate, so I let him know that we will see if we find her, she is Rockspitter dragon, name Purple.

Kayla: mmm. Where have I heard that name?

Dak: probably because it almost sound like Burple, start with B.

Twin nodded understanding.

Kayla: well, maybe that's true...does she know Burple?

Dak:... well, at first, let's say, Kayla is right, something is off about Burple... she noticed Burple is depressed.

Leyla: then, we gotta help Burple anyway, but I yesterday, I seen him all cheered up and being, the old Burple.

Dak: yea, he's like, his mood came back... it been while and we are happy about that.

Kayla: yea, alongside with Aggro... I will ask her that too... but let ask Winger, Summer, Cutter, and Aggro first before we go and talk with Burple.

They nodded.

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