Part 8

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i jumped myself awake i looked around for a moment before realizing where i was and who i was with and my head pounding. I'm just hoping didn't wake him up turns out he's quite the heavy sleeper. My face was buried in his chest our legs were intertwined we were both bear hugging each other i looked to the window it was still dark but i could tell the sun was coming up. After my nightmare i knew i wasn't going back to sleep. In this moment i realized all i'm wearing is a shirt that is not mine and boxers that are mine and he's got on boxers. That's it. I didn't have to look at him to feel the muscles on his back and arms god damn he's so hot. Then I realized i'm essentially groping him in his sleep and felt awkward. I tried backing out of his arms but his grip on me got tighter and he let out a soft groan. I realized I have to work today but i had no idea what time it was. I am so screwed. I lifted his fingers up one by one trying my hardest not to wake him i lifted his arm up and i was free from his grip those muscles worked at my detriment this morning. I replaced the spot where I laid with a pillow and he shifted again in his spot digging his face into the pillow. Now i'm wishing i was a pillow this is getting ridiculous. I reluctantly left the room and headed to the living room to look for my phone to see how fucked i am. I found it on the coffee table where i left it when ashton came over i seriously didn't look at it all night.
"oh yeah i'm seriously fucked" i have 10 minutes to get ready and get to work thankfully i'm not opening today i'd be fired. I felt hands wrap around my waist and i yelped forgetting ashton was even here.
He nuzzled into my neck and started trailing kisses up and down it while hugging my waist tightly before spinning me around to face him.
"you wanna be seriously fucked?" he said with a smug look on his face
"you wake up horny Mr.Irwin?" i said while leaning my forehead on his
"between last night and the dream i had about you yea a little" he said pressing against me and i felt how his dream must've been
"i don't think that's a little ashton" he laughed at me
"you have to leave though don't you" he said sadly i placed my hands flat on his chest
"yeah babe you're gonna have to hold out a little longer" he groaned and threw his head back
i pulled his head up and brought him in for a kiss..or two..alright a pre work make out but i was a little frustrated too he grabbed my lip with teeth gently and i pulled back with a stupid smile.
"okay now i'm going to be really late" i said pulling away from him and walking to the bathroom to make myself semi presentable
"stay as long as you want but i'm closing tonight so i won't be back until late" i threw on the first pair of pants i could find on and ashton threw one of his shirts at me and i looked up at him with a confused face.
"just giving you something to be comfortable in at work" he said putting some of his jeans on aswell and i turned away with a smile i put it on it was a little baggy on me but it was a really cute nirvana shirt with distressing on it. It smelled like him god i love that smell so much. I put on my chucks and turned to ashton that was sitting shirtless on the edge of the bed looking at me in awe i walked over to him and pulled his head in to my chest he wrapped his arms around me and i kissed top of his head.
"i'll see you later" i said
"have a good day love" he said back to me love i can get used to that. I let go of him and ran out to grab my phone and my keys i ran out to my car started it and speeded away.
*at work*
I ran in and grabbed my apron and clocked in and ran out to start making drinks cause there was a line for the drive through when i came in.
"nice of you to show up" i heard to my left which was one of my bosses lisa she's always been nice to me i knew she was joking but i still felt bad
"i'm so sorry i'm house sitting for josh and left my phone in the living room last night" i said while making drinks
"it's alright just try to not let it happen again..hey do you know what's going on with josh anyway?"
"no he didn't tell me much"
"hm yeah me nether it sounded urgent i hope he's okay." she said in a worried tone they have always been close she's one of the people that helped josh get back on his feet after rehab. Which is another reason i was worried because i haven't heard him sound like that since he called me to ask if i knew a place for him to get help.
About three hours of making and handing out drinks went by and Alice was off so it was just me and Lisa for about an hour until someone came to take her place.
"wanna take over the drive through for a bit we're not to busy right now" Lisa asked me
"yeah sure" As soon as i walked over someone pulled up
"welcome to the bagelrey how can i help you"
"hi beautiful" it was ashton i got the butterflies and that stupid smile again
"watch it i'm not the only person wearing this headset" i said warningly
"ah whatever" he responded
"what can i get you?"
"something with chocolate.."
"dealers choice" we said in unison
"alright babe pull up" i said to him and i went to make his drink so Lisa could work on the schedule in the back she looked out to me and called out
"babe?" i looked back and nodded my head i could feel my face heat up
"i gotta see this guy" she got up and walked over to the window as ashton pulled up she went to open it i stopped her
"don't embarrass me please" i pleaded
she's definitely my almost mom we aren't as close as her and josh but we've been in each others lives a long time.
"i'm just gonna say hi" she said as she opened the window
"hey there i'm lisa and you are?"
"ashton are you one of my lovely ceils bosses?"
it feels like my cheeks are going to burn off holy shit
"i am! it's nice to meet you ashton"
"nice to meet you too! when i have more time i'll come in to make a proper introduction." he said with a charming smile
" no worries have a good day" she said backing up from the window
"see i told you i wouldn't embarrass you" ashton laughed at that i just put my head down
"so close lisa so close." she smirked at me and walked back and i leaned down handing ashton the drink he grabbed it and grabbed my hand giving it a light peck
"you look good in my shirt i'm going to practice with the boys let me know when you're off if i'm still with them you can stop by to say hi?" he asked i got the butterflies again
"yeah of course i'd love to" his smile grew wide
"sweet i'll see you later"
"have a good practice" he winked and pulled away before i could even take that in a car pulled up
"welcome to the bagelry how can i help you?"
sorry for updating so randomly hopefully you guys like this sweet lil chapter! <3

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