.:How to be a great leader:.

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"Greetings, it is I, Hawkstar former leader of Mistclan here. Today, I shall teach you how to properly lead a clan. Or better yet, just some good leader traits any cat leading should have. Let it be a clan, tribe, or pack of cats, all leaders should have these 5 traits."

        1. Responsibly.  A leader is responsible for their own clan, if a member of their clan does something out of line they must decide what should happen next. If there is a clan wanting to be allies they must decide what to do, if a cat wishes to join a clan they must decide. Anything that happens in a clan is the leader's actions, such as a warrior harming kits from another clan or apprentices fighting off rogues. They must act as if they are them, being careful will all members' actions along with their own.

        2.  Understanding.  All leaders should understand their clan's actions and cats outside of the clan's actions. This will help with problem solving, which will happen a lot within your leadership. You must first understand your foe before you attack, things may be different than what they seem to be. A rogue tackling one of your warriors, may just be because of a choice they have done such as attack it although that warrior as outside of the territory of your clan. With this trait, unneeded battles can be avoided.

        3. Noble. A leader must be true to their clan, no matter what it may be. Let it be if you know about a clan's secret, or you have a mate in another clan, or if you are aware of something that has been going on in the clan. Have kits? Tell your clan, choose the right choice. On your last life? Tell a trusted member of your clan, stay in camp at most times. You must tell the truth, then know what to do next.

        4. Respect. A leader must have respect. Let it be an enemy clan, the weakest kit in your clan, or a kittypet on your territory. Rudeness will not make things better, especially with other clans. As a leader, you will light the path of your clan. Respect them, and they will become loyal like no other cat before.

        5.  Selflessness. Your duty is to your clan, you must lead them no matter what. They look up to you, kits in your clan only dream and hope to one day be by your side as deputy. You must do everything in your power to help or save your clan. If that means losing a life, or mortally harming yourself you must for the sake of the clan. Someday, you will be in the ranks of Star Clan, stories of time when you ruled the clan will be past on for years to come. Even then, other leaders will look up to you for wisdom. Sacrifices in clans must be made, and you must do your role when the time is right.

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